Assessing The Risk Of Money Laundering In Europe: Research And Practical Implications

We want to remind you that the conference Assessing The Risk Of Money Laundering In Europe: Research And Practical Implications will take place on the 15th December 2016 at the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore (Room: Cripta Aula Magna).
The purpose of the event is to present the main findings of EU co-funded research Project IARM ( The project has identified the Italian provinces and business sectors most exposed to the money laundering risk, and has carried out an assessment of how many shareholders and beneficial owners of Italian, Dutch and UK companies come from off-shore countries and other risky jurisdictions.
The conference of the 15th December aims also at fostering a high level debate among researchers, representatives of the public sector and of the private industry on the future of money laundering risk assessment.
To register please complete the online registration form by Monday 12th December:
Please find here the agenda of the event:
During the conference, an interpretation service will be available from Italian to English and from English to Italian.
For any queries, please contact
TRANSCRIME – Research Centre on Transnational Crime
Largo Gemelli 1 –  20123 Milan (IT)
T: +39 02 7234 3715/3716 – Fax: +39 02 7234 3721