CCJ-News – Regular Edtion April 20, 2022

Ladies and Gentlemen, dear Colleagues!

As announced, I am providing you by this 20st April regular edition with

* the 7th Kerner-Collection, pertaining to various CCJ-related topical publications [FoC]

* the 3rd Kerner-Collection, pertaining to US cases of sexual offenders as dealt with by federal prosecutors or district courts [FoC]

* the 9th Kerner-Collection, pertaining to various publications on COVID-19 topics [FoC]

* an ad-hoc Collection of recently received calls for participation in Side-by-Side meetings or Video-meetings [mostly FoC]

* 7 other topical documents [FoC]

With best regards,

Hans-J. Kerner


__Kerner-Collection_CCJ-related Topics_7th edition_04-2022

_Kerner-Collection_3rd Special Issue on Sex Offender Cases_US Fed. Courts_April 2022

_Kerner-Collection_Covid-19-related Topics_9th edition_04-2022

_Kerner-Collection_Video-Events and Side by Side Events_Special Collection 04-2022 et seq

Announcements_Poistions at Bureau of Justice Statisctics_USA_04-2022

Black Lives Matter´-Special Journal Issue -FoC

Drug Overdose Deaths etc-Comparative Research – Special Journal Issue_2022

European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA)-Publications

Policing Topics´ Special Journal Publisher´s Selection_ FoC till 31 August 2022

Sentencing_Interactive Data Analyzer- US-Sentencing Commission__03-2022

Solicitation and Research Program Announcements- NIJ-USA_04-2022