17 noiembrie 2010: Medierea în domeniul penal. Particularităţi şi perspective de dezvoltare în Germania şi România ”
Avem onoarea să vă invităm să participaţi la lucrările workshopului internaţional „Medierea în domeniul penal. Particularităţi şi perspective de dezvoltare în Germania şi România ” , organizat de către Institutul de Sociologie al Academiei Române şi Deutsche Stiftung Für Internationale Rechtliche Zusammenarbeit (Fundaţia Germană pentru Cooperarea Judiciară Internaţională – IRZ e.v.).
În cadrul workshopului vor fi incluse mai multe prezentări susţinute de reprezentanţi ai instituţiilor partenere din Germania: Departamentul de Criminologie al Universităţii „Ernst – Moritz -Arndt“ Greifswald si Deutsche Stiftung Für Internationale Rechtliche Zusammenarbeit. Cu această ocazie domnul Gerd Delattre (Şeful Serviciului de Mediere a conflictelor dintre victimă şi infractor – Köln) va susţine comunicarea cu tema„Medierea victimă – infractor în Germania. Principiile de bază şi cadrul legal”. De asemenea, vor fi expuse puncte de vedere privind medierea în domeniul penal de către reprezentanţi ai instituţiilor implicate în realizarea actului de justiţie, judecători, procurori şi mediatori, dar şi de către reprezentanţi ai mediului academic din România.
În cadrul workshopului vor fi prezentate rezultatele sondajelor de opinie privind medierea conflictelor dintre victimă şi infractor derulate, de către Institutul de Sociologie al Academiei Române şi Departamentul de Criminologie al Universităţii „Ernst-Moritz-Arndt“ Greifswald, în România (subiecţi intervievaţi: judecători, procurori şi mediatori).
Evenimentul va avea loc în data de 17 noiembrie 2010, la sediul Institutului de Sociologie din: Casa Academiei, Calea 13 Septembrie nr. 13, etaj 4, Sala de Consiliu, orele 9,30 – 16,30.
Pentru detalii vă rugăm să o contactaţi pe d-na Ecaterina Balica, coordonator de proiect: catibalica@yahoo.com, telefon: 0745 16 77 04.
Universitatea „Andrei Şaguna” din Constanţa are deosebita plăcere de a vă invita să participaţi la Conferinţa naţională cu participare internaţională „Devianţa şi delincvenţa juvenilă – aspecte psiho-individuale, medico-sociale şi juridice în contextul actual”.
Evenimentul va avea loc în perioada 28-30 octombrie 2010, la sediul universităţii din Constanţa, str. Alexandru Lăpuşneanu nr.13 şi va include următoarele secţiuni:
- Abordarea psiho-medicală a devianţei şi delincvenţei.
- Devianţa şi delincvenţa- aspecte sociale şi juridice.
- Evaluarea, predicţia şi prevenirea delincvenţei juvenile.
- Standarde şi reglementări naţionale şi internaţionale privind prevenirea şi controlul delincvenţei juvenile.
Înscrierile se fac la adresa conferinta@andreisaguna.ro.
Materialele ce urmează a fi susţinute vor trimise la această adresă până la 15 octombrie 2010.
Nu se percepe taxă de participare.
Agenda conferinţei:
28 octombrie 2010: | |
15:00-19:00 | Înregistrarea participanţilor. |
19:00 | Ceremonia de primire. |
29 octombrie 2010: | |
8:00-9:00 | Înregistrarea participanţilor. |
9:00-10:45 | Deschiderea festivă a conferinţei. |
10:45-11:00 | Pauză. |
11:00-13:00 | Prezentarea lucrărilor pe secţiuni. |
13:00-14:00 | Pauză. |
14:00-15:45 | Prezentarea lucrărilor pe secţiuni.. |
15:45-16:00 | Pauză. |
16:00-18:00 | Prezentarea lucrărilor pe secţiuni. Workshop. |
30 octombrie 2010: | |
9:00-11:00 | Prezentarea lucrărilor pe secţiuni. Workshop. |
11:00-12:00 | Festivitatea de închidere a conferintei. |
5-7 October 2010: Victim Support Scotland Conference 2010, Edinburgh, Scotland, U.K.
Victim Support Scotland presents an International Conference in order to mark its 25th anniversary.
The General Topic is: To Report or Not Report – The Choice Facing Victims
The Conference is aiming to:
– Address why victims choose to tell or not tell anyone about a crime
– Reflect on victim engagement in the justice system
– Advance the knowledge of all service provision to people affected by crime
More details see at http://www.vssconference2010.org.uk/
10-13 October 2010: Global youth Justice announces the The National Partnership for Juvenile Services: 16th National Symposium on Juvenile Services, San Antonio, Texas
The 16th National Symposium on Juvenile Services is among the leading and largest national juvenile justice events in the United States. This year it will feature eight (8) concurrent workshop sessions, policy discussions, focus groups and networking opportunities which will be led by nationally recognized juvenile justice practitioners, policy makers and/or advocates at the local, state, federal/national, organizational and private sector levels.
Workshop training sessions include topics related to (1) Juvenile Detention and Corrections; (2) Education of Youth in Confinement; (3) Community-Based and Residential Care; (4) Presentation Skills and Training Techniques; (5) Mental Health Issues in the Juvenile Justice System; (6) Health Care Issues in Managing Juvenile Populations; and (7) Youth Justice Intervention programs called Teen Court/Youth Court.
The National Partnership for Juvenile Services is a leading authority in the field of juvenile justice and comprises five (5) national juvenile justice organizational partners to include the National Association of Juvenile Correctional Administrators, National Juvenile Detention Association, Juvenile Justice Trainers Association, Council for Educators of At-Risk and Delinquent Youth and the National Association for Children of Incarcerated Parents.
Agenda, registration, and other details: http://www.npjs.org/symposium.php
National Partnership for Juvenile Services http://www.npjs.org/
GLOBAL YOUTH JUSTICE supports the mission of the National Partnership for Juvenile Services and their upcoming 16th National Symposium on Juvenile Services. The Fort Worth Teen Court (Susan Wolf, Executive Director) in Texas and Global Youth Justice (Scott Peterson) will be co-presenting a 2-hour training session on Youth Justice (Youth/Teen Court) at this National Juvenile Justice Conference.
Coming soon from Global Youth Justice! The 2nd International Training to Establish/Enhance a Local Youth Court or Teen Court this December 7-9, 2010 in Las Vegas, Nevada. Registration opens September 1, 2010 on the Global Youth Justice website. Click here http://www.globalyouthjustice.org/Training_and_Events.html
Subscribe to the free Global Youth Justice Monthly E-Newsletter.
13-14 October 2010: International Conference, organised by The Faculty of Criminal Justice and Security and the Slovenian Police, Criminal Police Directorate
on the General Topic of „Art Crime Investigation”. It will take place from Wednesday, 13 October 2010 at 10.00 to Thursday 14 October 2010 at 14.00 at the Faculty of Criminal Justice and Security, Ljubljana,Slovenia. The target group of the activity is: police officers and criminal investigators responsible for the fight against crime, if possible with particular regard to art crime and trafficking in stolen works of art; experts and trainers in the field.
We are pleased to be able to offer one or two seats for each participate country. Participants should present the current situation in their country on the topic.
Expectation of the organizer We expect that each participant will prepare the presentation of the current situation in their country on the discussing topic (10-15 min) and that participants will be sharing their knowledge and ideas related to the topic under discussion with other participants.
If any participant country would like to present any practical examples from the discussing topic, please let us know, that we could include the presentation at the schedule. For more details, please turn to:http://www.fvv.uni-mb.si/ArtCrime/invitation.html
13-15 October 2010: The International Institute for Restorative Practices (IIRP http://www.iirp.org) announces its 13th World Conference in Hull, England, U.K. on the Generals Topic of: Restoring Community in a Disconnected World
For more details, also on pre-conference activities and possibilities, turn please to: http://www.iirp.org/news_events.php or contact directly Sue M.Bogard, International Institute for Restorative Practices (IIRP), +1-267-718-7407 suebogard@iirp.org
13-16 October 2010: International Youth Justice Conference in Greifswald, Germany, on the General Topic of: „Juvenile Justice Systems in Europe – Reform Trends and the Development of Good Practices”
1st session: Reform Trends of Juvenile Justice Systems in Europe: an overview
2nd session: Examples of Good Practices and bad experiences, Country Reports
3rd session: Examples of Good Practices and bad experiences, Country Repors continued
4th session: Victim-offender mediation, family group conferencing and other forms of restorative justice
5th session: The problems of transferring good practices and avoiding bad experiences
6th session: Internal evaluation of the AGIS-project and discussion of future co-operation
For receiving a full programme or further details please turn to: Professor Frieder Duenkel
Registration (until 5 October 2010) with: Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, Landesbro Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Mrs. Wilma Glende, Arsenalstr. 8, Haus der Kultur, Tel.: 0049-385-512596; Fax: 0049-385-512595, E-Mail: Wilma.Glende@fes.de
17-19 October 2010: Australian Institute of Criminology announces its International Serious and Organised Crime Conference at the Melbourne Convention Centre.
For more details see:
Just announced – early bird registration has been extended but must close on Monday, 30 August. Secure your place and register now. To see all speaker bios and to register online, please visit the conference website or contact the Conference Coordinator or call 02 6260-9272. Follow the AIC on Facebook, Twitter and YouTube for the latest news on the ISOC conference as well as information on AIC research and events.
20-22 October 2010: City of Helsinki et al. announce their International Seminar on Urban Safety in Helsinki 20-22 October, 2010
The City of Helsinki and the Ministry of Justice, in co-operation with the European Forum for Urban Security (EFUS), are organising a Europe-wide Seminar entitled Helsinki 2010, International Seminar on Urban Safety, Sense of Safety a Success Factor for a Vibrant City on October 20-22, 2010. The programme includes both illustrative fact finding visits and expert lectures and workshop introductions. On the first day of the seminar the fact-finding visits take participants to interesting places and agencies located in Helsinki. The second and third day of the seminar includes workshops such as:
The role of municipalities in recognizing organized crime
Ambulatory hooliganism linked with mega events
Fighting cross-border criminality
The forms of manifestation of human trafficking
Safety as an image factor for a city
The role of private security services in the safety of an urban environment
Juvenile delinquency and gangs
Safety and the built environment
The Seminar is tailored to representatives of cities, security and police authorities, researchers and actors of the third sector. Full seminar programme and registration form can be found at:http://www.confedent.fi/urbansafety2010 For more information, do not hesitate to contact the seminar organisers at turva@hel.fi. or contact: Ms. Eija Laihinen, Planning Officer, City of Helsinki, Administration Centre / Safety and Preparedness Coordinating Division, P.O.B. 1, 00099 CITY OF HELSINKI Phone: +358 40 336 24 10
2-6 November 2010: Special Meeting of Intrnational Police Exexutive Symposium, Kerala, India
The IPES will organize this special meeting around the General Topic of Community Policing: Theoretical Problems and Operational Issues. More details see at http://www.ipes.info/Meeting.asp. Suggested Panels:
Comparative COP Theory and Practice
Theory vs. Practice of COP
A Critique of COP
Doing COP – Case studies
Future of COP
Other panels of interest to the participants – kindly refer to www.IPES.info
The International Police Executive Symposium (IPES) brings police researchers and practitioners together to facilitate crosscultural, international and interdisciplinary exchanges for the enrichment of the policing profession. For more information, please visit www.ipes.info or contact IPES President, Dilip K. Das, Ph.D and Editor-in-Chief, PPR, at dilipkd@aol.com.
9-10 November 2010: The International Juvenile Justice Observatory announces its Fourth International Conference in Rome, Italy, on the General Topic of: „Building integrative juvenile justice systems: Approaches and methodologies regarding mental disorders and drugs misuse”
For more details, please turn to: http://www.oijj.org/plantilla.php?pag=091201&idioma=en
11-12 November 2010: The Victimology Society of Serbia announces its first Annual Conference on the General Topic of: Victim’s rights and the EU: the challenges of providing victim support, Belgrade, Serbia, The Palace Hotel
For more details about Conference program please go to http://www.vds.org.rs/FILE/ENG Invitation Main.doc and for Registration and Conference fee please go to http://www.vds.org.rs/FILE/registration form and the conference fee.doc
Sincerely, Vesna Nikolic-Ristanovic , Director of Victimology Society of Serbia, Dositejeva 1a, Belgrade Serbia, phone: +381113034232, E/mail:vds@eunet.rs web site: www.vds.org.rs
1-2 December 2010: The Institute for Security Studies (South Africa) is hosting an International Conference in Pretoria, on the General Topic of: Towards a Coherent Strategy for Crime Reduction in South Africa Beyond 2010
The main theme is to improve crime control and justice policies in South Africa. The main themes include:
1. Innovative approaches to improving criminal justice
2.Crime and crime trends
3. Social crime prevention
Details about the conference and its call for abstracts can be found at http://www.issafrica.org/pgcontent.php?UID=30115. If your paper is accepted for presentation, there may be some financial assistance to defray the cost of attending the meeting. Inquiries or questions regarding this conference can be addressed to: Chandre Gould, Senior researcher, Crime and Justice Programme, Institute for Security Studies; Email:cgould@issafrica.org Tel: 27 (0)44 8501039 Cell: 27 (0) 833054915
6-7 December 2010: The Centre for Transnational Crime Prevention, Equipe de recherche sur la delinquance en reseau is posting a Call for Abstracts for its Second Illicit Networks Workshop
The Centre for Transnational Crime Prevention (University of Wollongong Australia) in conjunction with the equipe de Recherche sur la Delinquance en Reseau (University of Montreal, Canada) is calling for abstract submissions from scholars and practitioners interested in presenting at the second annual Illicit Networks workshop in December 2010. Keynote papers will be presented by a number of esteemed international and domestic academics, including Professor Carlo Morselli (University of Montreal) Contacts Opportunities and Criminal Enterprise (2005); Inside Criminal Networks (2008), Professor Leslie Holmes (University of Melbourne) Terrorism, Organised Crime and Corruption: Networks and Linkages (2007); Rotten States?: Corruption, Post?Communism, and Neoliberalism (2006), and Professor Phil Williams (University of Pittsburgh) Criminal Militias and Insurgents: Organized Crime in Iraq (2009); Transnational Criminal Networks, in Networks and Netwars (2001).The workshop aims to explore illicit networks adopting a multi?disciplinary perspective. It thus will draw on participant expertise in diverse areas such as criminology, political science, social network analysis, social psychology and sociology. The event will be open to interested parties from academia and government. Themes for the 2010 workshop include:
Social network analysis – theoretical developments
Methodological issues
Case studies of criminal networks
Case studies of terrorist networks
Network evolution and new technologies
Comparing terrorist and criminal networks
Network analysis and intelligence?led policing
Limits of network analysis for criminal intelligence and law enforcement purposes
Please submit your abstracts (and paper title) of no more than 250 words to Dr. Georgia Lysaght (georgial@uow.edu.au) by Wednesday 15 September 2010. Successful applicants will be notified by Wednesday 6 October.
The 2nd International Training to Establish/Manage a local Youth Court/Teen Court. Sponsored by Global Youth Justice and www.GlobalYouthJustice.org. December 7-9, 2010 in Las Vegas, Nevada, USA
The Tuscany Suites and Casino (Just 3 blocks from the Bellagio) http://www.tuscanylv.com/: This 2nd International Training is designed for those who are interested in establishing/managing a local youth court, teen court, peer court, student court, youth peer panel, peer juries and for those who are relatively new to these programs. New adult staff working full or part-time in an existing local youth court/teen court should also plan to attend this training. Topics to be covered include training adult and youth volunteers, offering quality community service programs, mock family intake meetings, implementing and enhancing operational and administrative procedures, identifying funding and resources opportunities, program evaluation, juvenile referral sources and much more. The registration fee is only $225 and this includes training materials, several breakfasts and lunches, a Las Vegas Night Open Air Trolley Tour and even one free dinner at the Bellagio Buffet! Rooms at the Tuscany Suites for our participants are only $35 plus tax per room night at the awesome Tuscany Suites – located just 3 blocks from the Bellagio and 2 blocks from Jimmy Buffet’s Margaritaville. Once you send in your registration form, we will send you the conference code, so you can book your rooms and start planning that trip to Vegas this December before the holidays with all the family. This 2nd International Training is sponsored by Scott Peterson’s Global Youth Justice and supports our mission by promoting the global expansion of quality juvenile justice programs commonly referred to as youth court, teen court, peer court, student court, youth peer jury, and youth peer panel. For more information, please call (202) 468-3790 and/or email GlobalYouthJustice@GlobalYouthJustice.org. Registration opens 8/1/2010 on http://www.globalyouthjustice.org/Training_and_Events.html. Subscribe to our Monthly E-Newsletterhttp://www.globalyouthjustice.org/Monthly_Newsletter.html Visit, bookmark and link to us @ www.GlobalYouthJustice.org. For more information, please email GlobalYouthJustice@GlobalYouthJustice.org
8-11 December 2010: The Department of Crimnology, University of Madras, India announces the 2nd Annual Asian Criminology Conference of the Asian Criminological Society on the General Topic of: Advancing Criminology: Challenges and Opportunities in Asia
Sub themes:
1. Teaching and Research in Criminology in Asia: Challenges and Opportunities
2. Contemporary Forms of Crimes in Asia: Challenges and Opportunities (Contemporary forms include cyber crimes, economic offences, other technological crimes etc.)
3. Understanding Criminal Justice through Criminology: Challenges
4. Crime Prevention Strategies in Asia
5. Advancing Criminological Theories
6. The role of criminologists in Asia
7. The role of governmental and non governmental agencies in advancing criminological research and teaching in Asia
8. The role of governmental and non governmental agencies in advancing opportunities to criminologists
Submission: Any clarifications regarding the conference, registration or accommodation may be clarified to: Dr. R. Thilagaraj, Organizing Secretary, Professor and Head, Department of Criminology, University of Madras, Chennai 600 005, Tamil Nadu, India, rthilagaraj@gmail.com, Ph: +91 44 25366988 9444961081
Dr.S. Latha, Conference Co-ordinator, Secretary, Indian Society of Criminology, Department of Criminology, University of Madras, Chennai 600 005 lathasubramanian@gmail.com Ph: +91 44 25366988 9840247256
15-17 January 2011: The South Asian Society of Criminology and Victimology (SASCV)
will be conducting its First International Conference at Jaipur, Rajasthan, India. http://www.sascv.org/conf2011. The main theme of the Conference is CRIME AND VICTIMIZATION IN THE GLOBALIZED ERA. The major sub themes are:
1. Terrorism and Extremism
2. Cyber Crimes, Laws and Security
3. Crimes of Culture and Culture of Crimes
4. Marginality, Social Exclusion and Victimization
5. Criminal Victimization in South Asia and Victimization of South Asians in other countries
Please visit http://www.sascv.org/conf2011 for more details on abstract submission.
Dr. K. Jaishankar, General Chair, SASCV 2011
Annual International Forum with the 15th German Crime Prevention Congress in May 2010: Invitation to Berlin
The 4th Annual International Forum within the 15th German Congress in Crime Prevention will take place 10. and 11. May 2010 in Berlin. This year’s event is presented in special cooperation and organization with the General Assembly 2010 of the European Forum for Urban Safety and titled „How cities reconcile security and fundamental rights”. Well known experts and a broad audience will discuss important topics in the fields of Security and Freedom, Fundamental Rights, Immigration, Security Technologies, Involvement of Citizens and Civil Society etc. There will be simultaneous interpretation into German, English, French, Spanish and Italian. Information on the program, registration and other issues can be found under http://www.gcocp.org. General information on the German Congress(es) in Crime Prevention held since 1985:http://www.gcocp.org/nano.cms/en/General-Information
Utrecht Summer School on Juvenile Justice in July 2010: Invitation to Holland
Summerschool Utrecht 2010: Course International Juvenile Justice, Utrecht University, Willem Pompe Institute for Criminal Law and Criminology (WPI). The course, from Monday 12 July 2010 until Thursday 22 July 2010, offers an international comparative perspective on juvenile justice, bringing together a group of international experts. It will focus on trends in juvenile justice in Europe and elsewhere, on institutions and procedures, on sanctions and practices of diversion, on juvenile penitentiary law and on children’s rights in the context of juvenile justice. http://www.utrechtsummerschool.nl. Direct link:http://www.utrechtsummerschool.nl/index.php?type=courses&code=E11
10th Annual Conference of the European Society of Criminology Liège, Belgium, from 8 till 11 September 2010
General Theme: „Crime and Criminology: From Individuals to Organizations”. Programme details and other pieces of information can be found under:http://www.eurocrim2010.com/. Early Bird Registration can be done online with the ESC-Secretariat at: https://ssl.esc-eurocrim.org/conference.html
Australian Institute of Criminology: Recent Reports
On 23 April 2010, the AIC has released the following report: Money laundering and terrorism financing risks posed by alternative remittance in Australia. A heightened awareness of how terrorist activities are financed has led governments in developed countries to include alternative remittance systems within the regulatory controls that apply to conventional financial institutions. This report provides a review of the operation of alternative remittance systems in Australia and examines the risks that they pose for illegal movement of the proceeds of crime and financing of terrorist activities. This report is one of three in a suite on this issue by the AIC which also includes: Alternative remittance systems in Australia: Perceptions of users and providers and Risks of money laundering and the financing of terrorism arising from alternative remittance systems. All three reports are attached to this email. The publications can be found on the website: http://www.aic.gov.au/publications/current series/rpp/100-120/rpp106.aspxhttp://www.aic.gov.au/publications/current series/tcb/1-20/tcb007.aspx http://www.aic.gov.au/publications/current series/tandi/381-400/tandi393.aspx
On 21 April 2010, the AIC has released the following Research in practice report: Emerging issues in domestic/family violence research. This paper presents an overview of the key emerging issues in Australian domestic and family violence research. In particular, the paper considers this research in the context of gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender and intersex communities; the elderly; those with disabilities; people from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds; Indigenous communities; homelessness; the impact on children; and issues around perpetrator programs. The publication can be found on the website:http://www.aic.gov.au/publications/current%20series/rip/1-10/10.aspx
Home Office (England and Wales): Recent Reports. The Drivers of Perception of Anti-Social Behaviour – Home Office Research Report 34
Abstract: Perceptions of ASB are driven by processes of interpretation. There is often a mismatch between an objective measure of anti-social behaviour, and perceptions. Based on analysis of available research studies, sourced using a rapid evidence assessment methodology, this report outlines two processes of interpretation that seem to be fundamental in supporting heightened perceptions of ASB. First, people use certain ‘shorthand’ ways to judge the level of disorder in an area. Second, perceptions of ASB are linked to deeper seated anxieties about the state of society in general, and qualities of neighbourhoods in particular. Interventions that hold the potential to deliver long-lasting reductions in PASB are proposed to be rooted in processes of engagement targeted at building empathy and mutual respect. Key Implications, Summary, and Main Report: http://www.homeoffice.gov.uk/rds/pdfs10/horr34a.pdf
OJJDP Bulletin Examines Causes and Correlates of Girls’ Delinquency
Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP) has published „Causes and Correlates of Girls’ Delinquency.”. Part of OJJDP’s Girls Study Group series, the bulletin summarizes the research team’s review of social science literature on factors impacting girls’ delinquency and notes their policy and program implications. The bulletin identifies eight factors correlated with girls’ delinquency: negative and critical mothers, harsh discipline, inconsistent discipline, family conflict, frequent family moves, multiple caregivers, longer periods of time with a single parent, and growing up in socioeconomically disadvantaged families. Resources: „Causes and Correlates of Girls’ Delinquency” is available online at ojjdp.ncjrs.gov/publications/PubAbstract.asp?pubi=248352. For further information and resources on girls’ delinquency, visit OJJDP’s Girls’ Delinquency Web portal page at ojjdp.ncjrs.gov/programs/girlsdelinquency.html.
Stockholm Criminology Symposium –
Deadline for registering a a paper presenter: 20 May, 2010
Newsletter #6 2010: (can also be found at http://www.bra.se/go/558)
– Over 500 delegates and speakers are now registered
– The program is available
– Mingle at the welcome reception
– Do not miss out on the 2010 Prize Winner lecture
– Last chance to nominate for the 2011 Prize in Criminology
Over 500 delegates and speakers are now registered
With six weeks to go more than 500 delegates have signed up for the 2010 symposium. If you still have not registered and want to be part of the event, you can still do so. The deadline for registrations is May 20. If you are a speaker and have submitted your abstract, please note that you still need to register. The fee includes access to all sessions on the program, coffee and refreshments, the welcome reception on Monday June 14 and the symposium dinner on Tuesday June 15. The registration form is available online.
The program is available
A full program is now available on our website. You will be able to choose between more than 200 speakers who will present their research and experiences in around 60 sessions. Policing will be an important theme this year. A few sessions within this track are:
– Community policing in transition with Professor Mike Brogden, Professor Martin Innes and Ms Mary O’Rawe (UK).
– The European Police College panel with Professor Rob Mawby, Ms Marianne Hilton, Dr Harry Peeters, Professor Tore Bjorgo, Professor Johannes Knutsson and Dr Detlef Nogala.
– The National Institute of Justice Policing Research Platform with Professor Stephen Mastrofski, Professor Wesley Skogan, Ms Amie Schuck and Mr Edwin Zedlewski (USA).
To view the full program and all the sessions that are available, please follow this link.
Mingle at the welcome reception
The welcome reception is an excellent opportunity for delegates to mingle with fellow criminologist and practitioners. The event that is held at the conference site, takes place in conjunction with the poster session on Monday June 14. The posters will cover both theoretical research and practical experiences. Drinks and snacks will be served from 17:00.
Do not miss out on the 2010 prize winner lecture!
The winner of the 2010 Stockholm Prize in Criminology is Professor David Weisburd (Israel and USA). Do not miss the session where he will talk about his extensive work. The moderators are Professor Lawrence Sherman (USA and UK) and Professor Jerzy Sarnecki (Sweden), who both co-chair the jury for the prize. The lecture will take place on Tuesday June 15 at 13:30.
Last chance to nominate for the 2011 Prize in Criminology
Last day to nominate a fellow criminologist for The Stockholm Prize in Criminology is May 17. The prize was presented for the first time in June 2006 at the City Hall in Stockholm. The ceremony is held in conjunction with the Stockholm Criminology Symposium and the prize sum amounts to at least 1 million SEK. Nominations are submitted online.
International Conference on „Freedom, Security and Justice” in Budapest, Hungary, September 2010
Dear Colleagues,
Hereby we kindly invite you and your colleagues to the closing event of the Ju-bilee Commemoration Year, i.e. an international conference to be held between 23-24 September, 2010 on „Freedom, Security and Justice”.
The languages of the conference will be English and Hungarian.
The National Institute of Criminology of Hungary celebrates its 50th anniversary in 2010. During the Jubilee Commemoration Year we organize a series of events and programmes that will enable both specialists and laypeople in Hungary and abroad to become better acquainted with the work and staff of the institute. The events of the Anniversary Year are planned so as to honour the scientific achievements and innovations of the outstanding criminologists of recent times, and to seek out both future opportunities for cooperation and the paths along which the profession can progress. The conference program can be downloaded fromhttp://en.okri.hu/images/stories/OKRI50_emlekev/nic_2010_conference_program_new.pdf, while the registration form is directly accessible fromhttp://en.okri.hu/images/stories/OKRI50_emlekev/okri50regform_en.doc. See also: http://en.okri.hu/content/view/123/9/.
Hope to welcome you in September in Budapest.
Yours sincerely,
Dr. György Virág, Director, National Institute of Criminology
International Conference on the Treatment of Sex Offenders, in Oslo, Norway, September 2010
11th International Conference of the International Association for the Treatment of Sexual Offenders (IATSO)
Abstract Submission Deadline: May 31, 2010
First Announcement and Call for Abstracts: September, 1st – 4th 2010, Oslo, Norway
online registration: http://www.iatso.org/iatso_user_tool/iatso2010_registration_form
email: norway2010@iatso.org
List of keynote speakers:
- Odd Aalen, Oslo, Norway: Calculating Risk: An Overview of Dynamic Models and the Integration of Causal and Survival Models
International Victimology Conference in Edinburgh, Scotland, October 2010
2010 marks the 25th anniversary of Victim Support Scotland and as part of our celebrations we are hosting an exciting 3 day international victimology conference aiming to:
The conference is the first of its kind. It provides a unique chance for practitioners, researchers and statutory criminal justice representatives from across the world to exchange knowledge and to develop best practice in service provision to victims of crime. The conference will reflect on victim engagement in the justice system and have a particular focus on unreported crime, an area where very little info rmation currently exists.
Speakers include:
Workshops: The conference will also offer a wide range of interactive workshops. If you are interested in presenting a workshop, please find more info rmation onhttp://www.vssconference2010.org.uk/Abstracts.html or email us at Conference2010@victimsupportsco.org.uk before 15 June for more information.
For more information and to register for the conference, please visit http://www.vssconference2010.org.uk.
Online registration: http://www.iatso.org/iatso_user_tool/iatso2010_registration_form
International Conference on Crime and Violence across the Life Course at Brisbane, Australia, July 2010
Crime and Violence Across the Life Course Conference
Monday 26 & Tuesday 27 July 2010
The Sebel & Citigate King George Square Hotel, Brisbane.
It is important to understand the precursors for violence in young offenders as well as the reasons for escalation across the life course. Griffith University is hosting a two day conference focussing on issues such as early risk factors for childhood conduct problems, effective interventions for offenders, intimate partner violence and youth violence and features an outstanding line up of international and local speakers including;
For full conference details see www.griffith.edu.au/kceljag. Registration (includes full catering each day) $350 per person. Early Bird Special $280 per person (booked and paid by Monday 31 May 2010). To book complete and return Registration Form available at www.griffith.edu.au/kceljag.
International Conference in Ljubljana, Slovenia, in September 2010 on Policing Unconventional Deviance
Faculty of Criminal Justice and Security, University of Maribor, Slovenia, is pleased to announce the Eigtht Biennial International Conference „Policing in Central and Eastern Europe: Social Control of Unconventional Deviance” to be held in Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 22-24, 2010. More details can be found under:http://www.fvv.uni-mb.si/conf2010/
Launch of the official website of the recently founded Asian Criminological Society
Peter Grabosky and John Braithwaite
Dear friends and colleagues,
We are delighted to announce the launch of the official website of the Asian Criminological Society.
Please bookmark the site now: http://www.acs-2009.org/
The Asian Criminological Society exists:
We encourage all interested scholars and practitioners to join ACS.
Just use the easy to follow instructions on our website. We also encourage research centers and criminological societies throughout the world to use our website to provide advance notice of forthcoming meetings, scholarly conferences, employment opportunities, publications, and criminology program highlights.
Please join with us in this exciting new development in the field of criminology. If you have any specific queries, then do get in touch with Professor Susyan Jou (the Secretary-General of ACS).<http://web.ntpu.edu.tw/~sjou/campbell>
Susyan Jou, Ph.D.
Professor and Chair
The Graduate School of Criminology
National Taipei University, Taiwan
Tel: +886-2-2500-9615
Fax: +886-2-2515-8189
John Braithwaite
Regulatory Institutions Network
RSPAS, ANU College of Asia and the Pacific Australian National University Canberra ACT 0200
Fax: (02) 6125 1507; Phone: (02) 6125 2332(W); (02) 6247 9634(H)
Web: http://www.anu.edu.au/fellows/jbraithwaite http://peacebuilding.anu.edu.au http://regnet.anu.edu.au
New Data on Offender Statistics in Australia Recorded crime: Offenders 2008-09 (Australian Bureau of Statistics)
These offender statistics provide data relating to the number and characteristics of alleged offenders who have been proceeded against by police during the 12 month reference period. This publication provides a profile of alleged offenders, including their age, sex, Indigenous status, principal offence, how often they have been proceeded against by police within the reference period, as well as a count of proceedings that may result in court actions. See: http://www.abs.gov.au/AUSSTATS/abs@.nsf/productsbyCatalogue/604D3D60767A946FCA25761E0024677D?OpenDocument
John Myrtle
Associate Investigator – ARC Centre of Excellence in Policing and Security
Griffith University, Qld – 243 Beasley St, Mawson, ACT 2607
Tel: (02) 6286 2786 (preferred); 0406 377 622
Email: myrtle@webone.com.au
Recent Publications of the AIC
The Australian Institute of Criminology has released the following Research in practice tip sheet:
Spectator violence part 1: Professional sporting events – Tip sheet no. 12
Spectator violence refers to any violent activity that occurs among those attending a sporting event. It can be directed at players, officials or fellow spectators. This is the first of a two part series on spectator violence at sporting events. Part one covers spectator violence at professional sporting events. The second will focus on issues of violence at amateur sporting events, particularly parents as spectators and the behaviours they exhibit. This publication is available on the website: http://www.aic.gov.au/publications/current%20series/rip/1-10/12.aspx
The AIC has also released the following research and public policy paper:
Indigenous perpetrators of violence: Prevalence and risk factors for offending – Joy Wundersitz – Research and public policy series 105
Available data indicate that Indigenous people are 15 to 20 times more likely than non-Indigenous people to commit violent offences. This report presents results of research into victimisation of, and offending by, Indigenous people. The findings are designed to inform and complement the work of the National Indigenous Violence and Child Abuse Intelligence Task Force. This report draws attention to the need to investigate the specifics of different forms of violent offending, the relationship between victims and offenders and the location and nature of different community settings. The publication can be found on the website:http://www.aic.gov.au/publications/current%20series/rpp/100-120/rpp105.aspx
The AIC has also realeased the following report:
Enhancing fairness in DNA jury trials – Jane Goodman-Delahunty and Lindsay Hewson – Trends and Issues no 392
Controversies over how the law should regulate the presentation of expert testimony on DNA forensic science were explored in an experimental study comparing traditional verbal with audiovisual modes of delivery. The study found pre-trial DNA knowledge, as assessed in 3,611 jury-eligible Australians, was limited. However, showing jury members an expert tutorial on DNA profiling evidence significantly improved their DNA knowledge. This paper discusses these results and the procedures that could be adopted by courts and policymakers to enhance justice in criminal cases in which DNA is introduced. The publication can be found on the AIC website: http://www.aic.gov.au/publications/current%20series/tandi/381-400/tandi392.aspx
Regards, Alyssa Handy
OJJDP Bulletin Reports on Youth in Custody’s Needs and Services
The Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP) has published „Youth’s Needs and Services: Findings From the Survey of Youth in Residential Placement.” The Survey of Youth in Residential Placement is the first national study to gather information on youth in custody by surveying detained offenders. The second in a series, the bulletin reports on the survey’s findings on youth in custody’s needs and the services they receive. Resources: „Youth’s Needs and Services: Findings From the Survey of Youth in Residential Placement” is available online at ojjdp.ncjrs.gov/publications/PubAbstract.asp?pubi=249735. Print copies may be ordered at www.ncjrs.gov/App/ShoppingCart/ShopCart.aspx?item=NCJ+227728. For an overview of the series, see „Introduction to the Survey of Youth in Residential Placement” atojjdp.ncjrs.gov/publications/PubAbstract.asp?pubi=240090.
Myths and Facts about Juvenile Justice: Critical Analyses of the California System Juvenile Justice: So Much Fiction, Who Has the Facts?
After extended exposure to distorted media reports on various alleged juvenile delinquent phenomena, one might begin to question which reports to accept as truth. CJCJ believes in utilizing the data to tell the story.
“The Myth of Mean Girls” featured in the New York Times lays to rest just that, the myth of mean girls. The article uncovers the undeniable facts proven by tremendous research and countless reliable sources: girls are not getting meaner.
CJCJ’s newest publication “Are Teenage Criminals Getting Younger and Younger? Exposing another Urban Legend” dismantles another myth about our youth. Statistics actually show the opposite, that “Criminals and violent offenders (are) getting older and older… not younger.” View more commentaries on this and other policy concerns at CJCJ’s blog.
“Wasting Tax Dollars: Public Relations and the California Youth Corrections System” breaks down the truth behind the inefficiencies and high costs of the Department of Juvenile Justice facilities.
CJCJ’s second revision of “Testing Incapacitation Theory: Youth Crime and Incarceration in California” was published in the newest edition of the Crime and Delinquency Journal. Download the original version free from CJCJ’s Resource Center and learn the truth about how deterrence and incapacitation theories are ineffective strategies for reducing youth crimes.
March’s Recommended Reading: This month’s recommended reading is “Girls, Delinquency, and Juvenile Justice” by Meda Chesney-Lind and Randall G. Shelden, M.A., Ph.D. Focusing on the special problems delinquent girls face within our criminal justice system, this book is possibly the most cited book on the subject of girls and delinquency.
Research Study on Reconviction Rates among Dutch Offenders Recidivism report 1997-2006: Developments in the reconviction rate of Dutch offenders
Research and Documentation Centre of the Dutch Ministry of Justice (WODC)
25p. December 2009 (Series: Fact sheets 2009-05a)
For some years, the Dutch Ministry of Justice has conducted a study of the reconviction rate of Dutch offenders. The measurements relate to four study populations: adult offenders sanctioned by court or the Public Prosecutor’s Service (PPS), juvenile offenders sanctioned by court or PPS, ex-prisoners, former inmates of juvenile detention centres; an English-language report. See:http://english.wodc.nl/onderzoeksdatabase/actualisering-sancties-2009.aspx?cp=45&cs=6801
Launch of newly developed Beccaria Standards in the Field of Crime Prevention
The Beccaria Standards include measures and requirements for quality planning, execution and assessment of crime prevention programs and projects. They offer a manual for developers and players in the field as well as other persons with responsibility in crime prevention, to ensure the quality of their crime prevention work. Whoever is responsible in the field of crime prevention should ensure that:
The Beccaria Standards for ensuring quality in crime prevention projects have been translated into many languages (Arabic, Czech, Chinese, Croatian, German, Hungarian, English, French, Hindi, Korean, Lithuanian, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Turkish) and can be downloaded at www.Beccaria-Standards.net.
Formular de inscriere – document PDF
26-28 Mai 2010 CLUJ-NAPOCA
Al Doilea Anunţ
26 mai 2010 sosirea participanţilor
27 mai 2010 09,00-13,00 Sesiune de comunicări
13,00-15,00 Pauza de prânz
15,00-18,00 Sesune de comunicări
28 mai 2010 09,00-14,00 Sesiune de comunicări
16,00-22,00 Banchet Colegial
Prof.dr. Lucian Ionescu – Preşedinte de onoare
Dr. Sorin Alămoreanu – Vicepreşedinte executiv
Cristian Dumitrescu- Vicepreşedinte executiv
Proc. Sorin Vasilache
Proc. Florin Maghiar
Cst. Ioan Păcurar
Prof. dr. Emilian Stancu Cms.Sef Alexandru Cânpean
Prof.dr. Gheorghe Popa Anca Ciglenean
Dott-sa Marisa Aloia
Prof.dr. Augustin Lazăr
Adrian Frăţilă
Persoana de contact: Dr. Sorin Alămoreanu tel., 0771087287, 0721297970 tel/fax. 0264430264
Email: sorinalamoreanu@yahoo.com
TAXA DE PARTICIPARE prin O.P. în contul R0 80 BTRL 01301205960367 XX Banca Transilvania: până la 30 aprilie 2010 – 60 EU( 250RON ) sau numerar la sediul SRCC FilialaTransilvania
După 30 aprilie 2010 70 EU (300 RON) la secretariatul conferintei.
Taxa include cheltuielile legate de emiterea mapelor, certificatelor de participare, traducere, si participarea la Banchet.
Titlurile pentru comunicările ştiinţifice vor fi trimise pe adresa: Societatea Română de Criminologie şi Criminalistica, Filiala Transilvania Bd. Dorobanţilor 2 cam. 62 cod 400 117 Cluj Napoca, până cel mai târziu 30 aprilie 2010, cu un rezumat în limba română şi engleză, iar la data începerii Simpozionului se va depune la secretariat un exemplar listat al comunicării în limba română precum şi unul în format electromic.
Redactarea lucrării se va face folosind editorul de texte Word, în format A4, pe o singură faţă, aliniat Justify, la 1,5 rânduri distanţă, poziţionată sub rezumat şi cuvintele cheie; margini: (sus/jos/stânga/dreapta) 2 cm, cu font Times New Roman, caractere de 12. Limita recomandată a lucrării : maximum 15 pagini.
Titlul lucrării: scris cu majuscule, Times New Roman, caractere de 14, bold, centrat.
Autor/co-autor: numele şi prenumele autorului/autorilor se scrie în dreapta, la două rânduri distanţă sub titlu. Prenumele se scrie cu Times New Roman, caracter 12, italic, bold, iar numele de familie se scrie cu Times New Roman, caracter 12, cu majuscule, italic, bold. După numele de familie se va trece un asterix şi, ca notă de subsol, se va scrie calitatea autorului, gradul didactic, titlul ştiinţific (dacă este cazul) instituţia sau locul de muncă (pentru fiecare autor separat, dacă este cazul).
Rezumatul şi cuvintele cheie: în limita a 10 rânduri de text, redactate într-o limbă de circulaţie internaţională, se scriu la începutul lucrării respectând următoarele cerinţe: Times New Roman, caractere de 10, italic, Justify, la două rânduri distanţă de numele autorului.
Notele de subsol: se numerotează în ordinea utilizării lor în text, Times New Roman, caractere de 10, Justify.
Pentru înscriere recomandăm completarea formularului de înregistrare si trimiterea lui până la termenul limita. Înscrierile care depăşesc termenul nu vor fi acceptate.
Durata recomandată de expunere a unei lucrări : maxim 15 min.
Facultatea de Sociologie si Asistenta Sociala din Universiatea Bucuresti
Conferinţa de sociologie şi asistenţă socială
In luna mai 2010, Facultatea de Sociologie si Asistenta Sociala din Universiatea Bucuresti organizeaza o conferinta de sociologie si asistenta sociala. In acest an organizatorii intentioneaza sa introduca in programul conferintei o sectiune solida de probatiune. Toti cei care doresc sunt invitati sa participe cu lucrari. Singurele conditii pe care trebuie sa le respecte aceste lucrari sunt: sa fie din domeniul probatiunii, sa fie redactate riguros si la stadarde academice si sa reprezinte o contributie la dezvoltarea/intelegerea acestui domeniu.
In acest moment este studiata posibilitatea invitarii unui profesor din strainatate pentru a sustine o lucrare de deschidere a sectiunii.
Numarul din septembrie 2010 al Revistei de Asistenta Sociala va fi dedicat domeniului Probatiune. Lucrarile sectiunii de probatiune de la conferinta vor putea fi publicate in acest numar tematic.
Detalii suplimentare si confirmarea participarii la dl. Ionut Durnescu, e-mail idurnescu@gmail.com.
12eColloque de l’AICLF
Le numéro des Echos de l’AICLF ci-dessus vous informe non seulement des activités des membres de l’AICLF (Association internationale des criminologues de langue française), mais marque l’annonce officielle du 12eColloque de l’AICLF qui aura lieu à Fribourg, du 12 au 14 mai 2010.
J’espère que vous aurez tous l’occasion de venir à Fribourg en mai prochain.
Merci de transmettre ce numéro et cette annonce du Colloque 2010 – avec appel à communications – à vos collaborateurs, collaboratrices et à toute personne intéressée !
International Congress on Restorative Justice and Victim-offender mediation, in march, Burgos (Spain). Victim-offender mediation service in ( Castilla y León), Burgos .Spain.
My name is Virginia Domingo, coordinator of the victim-offender mediation service in Burgos ( Castilla y León) in the north of Spain, we want to promote Restorative justice because here in Spain people know little about it, and we want to show citizens the benefits of victim-offender mediation because of that we are going to celebrate an international congress the 4th and 5th of march in 2010. It will take place in Burgos, in the faculty of law, and Martin Wright, Per Andersen and Brian Steels will do a presentation , other people from our city : prosecutors, judges , and teachers of the university.
We have the support of the President of the Superior Court of our autonomous community, General prosecution’s office and the general council of the judiciary, all this authorities will come to this congress. I am sending you the leaftet of this congress. You are welcomed to this event. Happy New Year ( all the best for the New Year)
Virginia Domingo de la Fuente
Coordinator of victim-offender mediation service in Burgos ( Castilla y León). Researcher in the area of REstorative Justice. Member of the Europeam forum for Restorative Justice. and the research committee of this Forum.646232708. virsunday@terra.es
European Association of Forensic Science
This e-mail is to inform you that we are the EUROPEAN ASSOCIATION OF FORENSIC SCIENCES, and we would like to invite you to share your knowledge related with Forensic Sciences, Criminology and Criminalistic in order to increase the new researches and information regarded with these noble sciences, this is why we are looking for foreign “honorable members” with a total free membership that they want to help us to divulge our Association.
The EUROPEAN ASSOCIATION OF FORENSIC SCIENCES (EAFS, 2009 founded in Rome – Italy) is a Registered, International Scholarly No Profit Association dedicated to the Advancement of Forensic Sciences in the Europe and in all the world.
Through this means, you will be able to publish early your articles and researches in the “European Journal of Forensic Sciences”, a multidisciplinary peer-reviewed journal published that will be four-month by European Association of Forensic Sciences. EJFS is dedicated to increasing the depth of the subject across disciplines with the ultimate aim of expanding knowledge of the subject.
Also, you can add your Society/Association link in our website www.scienzeforensi.eu(Italian) or, as soon as possible, in: www.forensicsciences.eu(English), www.cienciasforenses.eu (Spanish),www.sciencesjudiciaires.info (French), so we can share new content and events using the website and a journal.
In the end, I would like inform that EAFS will strongly support your aims and objectives and will cooperate with you in the promotion of Forensic and Criminal Justice Sciences.
We will be waiting for your answer.
Amedeo Vitagliano Stendardo
International Investigative Psychology Conference at London, UK, 21-22 February, 2010
The 9th International Investigative Psychology Conference of the IA-IP deals with the Topic:
„Understanding Criminal Action and its Perpetrators: Towards Psychological & Social Science Contributions to Investigations and the Courts”. It will take place at London, UK Thursday and Friday 21st and 22nd January 2010 as an IA-IP event in collaboration with London Southbank University and The International Research Centre for Investigative Psychology (IRCIP), Huddersfield University, UKSubmissions, as individual, symposia or posters are welcomed on any area of investigative psychology, including:
- Investigative Interviewing
- Sexual and Violent Crime
- Analysing Volume Crime
- Legal and Court Psychology (Jury Decision-Making; Expert Psychological Testimony)
- ‘Offender Profiling’ and Crime Linking (CCA)
- Detecting Deception
- Eyewitness Testimony
- Geographical Profiling; Crime Mapping and Environmental Criminology
- Applied Forensic Science
- PoliceDecision Making and the Investigative Process
- Psychology of Terrorism
Email all submissions as abstracts of up to 150 words to d.youngs@hud.ac.uk
Sponsored by the International Academy for Investigative Psychology (www.ia-ip.org)
Criminology Around the World
This is the Main Topic of the following Event: Western Society of Criminology, 37th Annual Conference in Honolulu, Hawaii, 4-6 February 2010. More details can be found at:http://www.sonoma.edu/ccjs/wsc/conference.html
Conferinţa „România după 20 de ani: schimbări şi probleme sociale. Calitatea vieţii, încotro?”
Asociatia Romana de Sociologie si ICCV organizeaza in perioada 12-14 februarie 2010 conferinţa ce urmează a de desfăşura la Casa Academiei Române, din Bucureşti (Calea 13 Septembrie nr. 13).
Informatii privind modul de organizare si sectiunile conferintei puteti gasi la adresa http://www.arsociologie.ro/ro/component/content/article/2-conferinte/3-conferinta-organizata-de-iccv-si-ars-romania-dupa-20-de-ani-schimbari-si-probleme-sociale-calitatea-vietii-incotro
Este planificată si o sectiune speciala pentru cei interesati de diversele aspecte ale evolutiei criminalitatii in ultimii 20 de ani, intitulată „Criminalitatea – tendinţe şi factori de risc”.
Moderatori: Dan Banciu, Ecaterina Balica catibalica@yahoo.com
Evoluţia criminalităţii în România ultimelor două decenii a cunoscut perioade de creştere (1990-1998 şi 2006 -2008), dar şi perioade de descreştere (1999 – 2005) a ratei criminalităţii. Dincolo de această variaţie a indicatorilor statistici, criminalitatea din ţara noastră a fost marcată de apariţia unor forme noi de criminalitate generate printre altele de fenomenul globalizării şi de utilizarea noilor tehnologii de comunicare.
Secţiunea îşi propune să aducă în discuţie teme precum: tendinţele evoluţiei criminalităţii în România, în contextul spaţiului european, factorii de risc, particularităţile victimelor şi agresorilor, criminalitatea violentă (omorul, agresiunile sexuale, tâlhăria), criminalitatea stradală, criminalitatea informatică, actele de violenţă cunoscute ca „rural crime”, criminalitatea economică, corupţia, crima organizată, traficul de droguri, traficul de persoane, criminalitatea în mediul urban, delincvenţa juvenilă, costurile sociale ale criminalităţii, programele de prevenire şi intervenţie.
ACJS 2010 Annual Meeting on the Topic „Beyond Our Boundaries: The Inclusivity of Criminal Justice Sciences February 23-27, 2010 – San Diego, California
The 2010 ACJS Annual Meeting will be held in the picturesque city of San Diego, California, beginning on February 23rd, 2010, and continuing through February 27th, 2010. Please note that our annual meeting is much earlier as compared to past meetings.
If you take a moment to review the 2010 Call for Presentations at: http://www.acjs.org/pubs/167_668_14361.cfm you will notice program topic/sub-topic areas have been expanded to reflect the broad range of research interests and needs of our membership and attendees. In addition to an expanded program topic/sub-topic areas, members and conference attendees will find the traditional Research Showcase has been expanded to include pictorials. The Research and Pictorial Showcase is a collection of visual displays, i.e. traditional poster and still images, of research that encourages informal interaction between authors and audience.This new feature was added in order to encourage the submission and presentation of still image(s) collected and analyzed as a result of research and scholarly activities related to criminal justice and criminal justice pedagogy. In keeping with the theme of the conference, “Beyond Our Boundaries: The Inclusivity of Criminal Justice Sciences,” the Research and Pictorial Showcase offers everyone the opportunity to participate in an innovative, progressive, interactive presentation of your research that is guaranteed to reach a wider audience than the traditional Research Showcase of the past.
Family Violence Research Conference in Portsmouth, NJ, USA, 11-13 July 2010
The Family Research Lab, Crimes Against Children´s Research Centre at the University of New Hampshire announces its next International Family Violence Research Conference.
For more details see: http://www.unh.edu/frl/conferences/index.html
Embedded into the XVIIth ISA World Congress of Sociology, 11-17 July, 2010 at Gothenburg, Sweden.
Call for Participation and Papers for the: Research Committee on Deviance and Social Control RC29 http://www.isa-sociology.org/congress2010/rc/rc29.htm
Programme Coordinators
Maria Stela Grossi, Brasilia University, Brazil, msgrossi@unb.br and Robert Nash Parker, University of California, USA, robnp@aol.com
In the mood of the major theme of XVII World Congress, Sociology on the Move, RC 29 proposes to be a moment for reflection about the great transformations on crime, conflict, violence and punishment around the world, reflection that implies the study of actors and victims but also the analyses of institutions related to these phenomena, there is, institutions charged of public safety, social control, criminal justice and, in a wider viewpoint, justice operation and administration, besides institutions of civil society. Giving this central axe, the RC welcome contributions from a theoretical framework and trends as well as those centered in the results of research works issues from empirical manifestations.
If it’s true that the sociology of violence has, in recent times, multiply in a certain sense, the knowledge and analysis about events and phenomena of violence; however, it’s also important to pointed out that new dynamics and new manifestations of these phenomena suggest the need of continuing the debate, the analyses and the research of the news (and old) events that have violence as the main social, political and economics processes in modern life.
Proposed Sessions
Session:1 Regional research on Sociology of Deviance/Criminology/Social Control
Organizer: Robert Nash Parker, University of California, USA, robnp@aol.com
RC 29 invites papers focused on the nature of theory and research in world regions such as Europe, Africa, South America, Southeast Asia, Caribbean, North America, and so on. This could be one session featuring research from different regions, or, depending on the number of submissions, independent sessions, each focusing on research from one region. Groups of scholars doing work in a particular region are encouraged to organize and submit a regionally focused session for the 2010 RC 29 program.
Session 2: Women and crime in the 21st Century
Organizer: April Bernard, The University of the West Indies, Barbados, April.bernard@cavehill.edu.bb
The purpose of the session could be to collectively explore and scan the situation of Women and Crime in the 21st Century from various international perspectives. This session could be intentionally broad in scope and invite a range of papers on topics that could include such issues as Domestic violence, Sexual assault and violence, Violence Against Women, Homicide, Stalking, Community safety, Women as offenders, Corrections and offender management, Prevention and rehabilitation programs and policy, Women in policing, and Human and drug trafficking. This could be one session or depending on submissions, more than one session focused on the topics listed aboive and others related to Women and Crime.
Session 3: Cultural criminology Organizer: Paula Wilcox, University of Brighton, UK, p.s.wilcox@brighton.ac.uk
Crime and the agencies and institutions of crime control as cultural products; the relationship between cultural constructions upwards and cultural constructions downwards as related to crime, criminality, and crime control; generation of meaning around interaction, moral entrepreneurship, political innovation and transgression.
Session 4: International criminal justice policymaking: The relevance of socio-criminological research
Organizer: Rosemary Barberet, John Jay College of Criminal Justice, USA, rbarberet@jjay.cuny.edu,This session will explore the relevance of socio-criminological research to international organizations involved in criminal justice policymaking, such as the United Nations (including the World Health Organization and the World bank), the European Union, the Organization of American States, the International Criminal Court, INTERPOL, the Council of Europe, and many others. What are the policy implications of the growing body of internationalized socio-criminological research and how might they be linked in to the activities of these intergovernmental policymaking organizations?
Session 5: Juvenile victimization and offending in a “Virtual World”
Organizer: Stacey Nofziger, University of Akron, USA, sn18@uakron.edu.
One thematic priority for this World Congress is to examine the ways that everyday life has been changed through the explosion of virtual communication (Action and Imagination). For juveniles, technology is always an important part of the youth culture and finding news means of communication and self-expression in the virtual world can be a way of establishing identity. However, this type of technology also opens new avenues for juvenile victimization and offending. Cyber-bullying is rapidly becoming a new form of torment for children and the access to children created through internet sites can have traumatic consequences. In addition, physical size and maturity are no longer barriers to offending when violent or fraudulent acts are committed in “cyber-space.” The session welcomes papers dealing with the following themes: Recent developments in theoretical understandings of “virtual” juvenile offending and victimization.; advancements in methodology for studying cyber / internet crime involving juveniles; Research on internet or virtual juvenile victimization or offending.
Session 6: Urban violence: Crime, fear and punishment
Organizers: Maria Stela Grossi Porto, Universidade de Brasília, Brazil, msgrossi@unb.br and Renato Sérgio de Lima, Fórum Brasileiro de Segurança Pública, Brazil, rsdlima@forumseguranca.org.br
On the past three decades, researchers have recognized very important changes on the way crime and violence have been evolving in contemporary societies. There is no agreement yet on causes or motivation. Nevertheless, there has been considered that punishment has not been able to respond to the problems posed for this evolution nor the changes in its context. We propose to discuss achievements of studies, analysis and researches that try to explore the theme of lack of punishment on criminal justice under four aspects: a) Theoretical perspectives on studies on lack of punishment in criminal justice; b) Political perspectives on studies of lack of punishment in criminal justice; c) studies on crime and violence in the flow of the criminal justice system: methodological issues, social representations, comparative analysis, results and their interpretations; d) studies on extra-legal forms of punishment.
Session 7: Democracy, human rights and social control
Organizer: Sergio Adorno, University of Sao Paulo, Brazil, sadorno@usp.br and Dr. Nancy Cardia, University of Sao Paulo, Brazil, ncardia@usp.br
The new century has brought new challenges for human rights in world: since the beginning of the 2000’s, democracies can be assessed by how far they implement rule of law, accountability, responsiveness to civil society and citizens’ demands, the full respect for rights and greater political, social and economic equality. Though all aspects are relevant, the capacity of authorities to enforce the laws or rule of law is considered to be a pre- requisite for all the other dimensions. If the rule of law is respected, the “critical features” for good democracy need to be analyzed and these refer to how universally and independently laws are applied: the integral application of the legal system, also at the supra-national level, guaranteeing the rights and equality of citizens; the absence of areas dominated by organized crime and of corruption in the political, administrative, and judicial branches; the existence of a local and centralized civil bureaucracy that competently, and universally applies the law and assumes responsibility in the event of error; the existence of an efficient police force that respects the rights and freedoms guaranteed by law; equal, unhindered access of citizens to the legal system in the case of lawsuits either between private citizens or between private citizens and public institutions- this also implies that citizens know their rights and can obtain representation; reasonably swift resolution of criminal inquiries and of civil and administrative lawsuits; the complete independence of the judiciary from any political influence. (Morlino, 2004). The main objective of this session is to offer answers for these questions.
Session 8: New normalizations, new visibilities and the emergence of a new paradigm for law
Organizer: Maria Vitoria Mourao, ISCSP/Capp, Portugal, vmourao@iscsp.utl.pt
Social change is all about opening new arenas of normalization and the conflict between law and social practices and the gap to overcome new laws and more justice on penology. We want to raise knowledge on new forms of social normalization and about new penology, We would like to address papers that cover issues of white collar crime and deviance among non traditionally excluded populations. Finance crime and the regulation and governance associated with it. Controlling bodies or controlling groups. Barriers and borders in the west Euthanasia representations and new ethical dilemmas, Drug use by non excluded populations and law non conformity; Sexual Identities and the Body of inclusion/exclusion Social representations of Power and Corruption may also be addressed in this session. We also address interest on Public polices and the Regulation Body of governance to address the above issues.
Session 9: The media and the present forms of violence
Organizer: Angelina Peralva, CADIS/EHESS, France, peralva@univ-tlse2.fr
The relationship between the media, the journalists and the present forms of violence are to say the least complex. Sometimes blamed for exciting them, sometimes for trying to hide them, the journalists have a major role in the organisation of the public debates around the subject. Debates which, nevertheless, do not depend only on them. The asymmetry between actors of the public debate, and the unequal access to the public space available to each of them, make sometimes violence no longer the object, but the entrance door in the debate. At the same time, the journalists quite often become target of rejection and mistrust on behalf of populations weakened, that feel stigmatized by their charges, making still more difficult their already painful conditions of daily life. This section, welcome communications that, from studies already carried out or still in course, contribute to clarify different aspects of these relations.
Session 10 : The global crisis of policing: Issues and new models for a paricipatory democracy
Organizers: José Vicente Tavares dos Santos, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, jvicente@portoweb.com.br and Abdul-Mumin Sa´ad, University of Maiduguri, Nigeria,amsaadj@yahoo.com
A major social crisis of the XXI century is the failure of public security and the global crisis of policing. Throughout the world, several Authors have issued their critics on the police culture and on the authoritarian and violent behavior of the police officers. If policing is reduced to the dimension of repressive social control, we observe in several countries the use of illegal and illegitimate violence, which have resulted in violations of human rights. In the last decade the police issue has become critical and complex, be it due to its alleged ineffectiveness in facing the growth and differentiation of actions socially criminalized or in confronting the new crimes. Yet, the political processes of State reform and of the imposition of neoliberal public policies have produced a severe impact on the police forces, with the emergence of a profound crisis of efficacy, honorability, and respect of human rights. There are many variables that compound the policing crisis: the transformations in contemporary society, begun in 1990 with the changes in the forms of crime, the expansion of diffuse violence and the violence against women and children; the charges of violation of human rights and the victimization of the poor, the young men and ethnic minorities; the strengthening of civil society and the involvement of local collectivity in the community policing; the consequences of these world changes on police organizations, the police management, the experiences of community police; and the transformations in the education of police officers, mainly the new consortia with the Universities.
In this context, it is possible to distinguish various reform strategies in the field of social control and policing. The most important is the debate about the police models in dispute around the world: community and problem solving policing; management theory: the ideas borrowed from the ‘new public management’; a tough Police, confirming a ‘law and order’ point of view about policing, oriented by the zero tolerance notion; or the new modes of policing, directed by peacekeeping, conflict management, crime investigation, and the promotion of community justice. It keeps the debate about the nature of policing open through argumentation and deliberation, agreement and disagreement, and the respect for the lawful democratic state. We could then think of the construction of a world citizenship, marked by the institutional creation and by the diffusion and communication of social, juridical, symbolic innovative of a new social order. On one hand, there is the reinvention of forms of solidarity; on the other, we observe the redefinition of labor, both in rural and urban spaces. Finally, it is possible to analyze the prevention and eradication of the forms of social violence and the construction of another ideal-type of police, the Citizenship Police.
What constitutes appropriate policing has become a worldwide concern in dealing with the increase of diffuse violence – political, social, sexual, symbolic, and ecological violence – as well as to the new profile of criminal violence. However, it is very likely that a paradigm shift to another ideal-type of police office is on its way, this time guided by the principles of the relationship with the communities and of the mediation of social conflicts. Furthermore, the features of social control are under debate in order to propose alternatives for citizenship security in a new participatory democracy.
International Conference on the Treatment of Sexual Offenders at Oslo, Norway, 1-3 Septemer 2010
The IATSO will held its 11th International Conference in Oslo.
Details can be found at: http://www.iatso.org/
Email-Contact via: norway2010@iatso.org
For further information and registration please follow http://www.iatso.org/iatso_user_tool/iatso2010_registration_form
The Annual Conference of the European Society of Criminology
The 10th Annual Conference of the ESC will take place in Liege, Belgium, from 8 to 11 September 2010.
The annual conferences of the Society provide an opportunity for the members to present papers on the results of their own research projects as well as learn about the research being done elsewhere in Europe. The conferences are also an occasion where the members can meet each other and discuss on mutual research interests; the meetings have already proved to be an important platform for new pan-European research initiatives.
At the annual conference a general assembly of the Society is convened to make decisions on the affairs of the Society and to give advice on the board members for their upcoming term.
- Wolfgang Berner, Hamburg, Germany, Attachment and Sexual Delinquency
- Charles Borduin, Columbia, USA: Multisystemic Therapy with Juvenile Sexual Offenders: Clinical and Cost Effectiveness
- Douglas Boer, Waikato, New Zealand: Arguments Regarding a Convergent Approach to Sexual Violence Risk Assessment
- Peer Briken, Hamburg, Germany: Pharmacotherapeutic Options for Sexual Offenders
- Franca Cortoni, Montreal, Canada: Female Sex Offenders are Different
- Richard Green, London, England: Hebephilia as a DSM Diagnosis: They Cannot Be Serious!
- Karl Hanson, Ottawa, Canada: Meta-Analysis of Treatment Outcome
- Knut Hermstad, Trondheim, Norway: Sexual Offences, Law and Moral – Can Behavior and Attitudes be Changed by Legal and Moral Efforts
- Richard B. Krueger, New York, USA: New Developments on the Diagnosis of Sexual Sadism and Masochism (prelim. title)
- Fritz Lackinger, Vienna, Austria: Transference Focused Psychotherapy in Sexual Offenders
- Thore Langfeldt, Oslo, Norway: Childhood, Attachment and Development of Sexual Offensive Behaviour. Implications for Therapy
- William L. Marshall, Kingston, Canada: Distorted Cognitions: Criminogenic versus Non-Criminogenic Factors
- Friedemann Pfaefflin, Ulm, Germany: Psychotherapy Research in Forensic Settings
- Marnie Rice, Penetanguishene, Canada: Treatment for Adult Sex Offenders: May we Reject the Null Hypothesis?
- Willian Seabloom, Minneapolis, USA: The Mended Heart. Recidivism after Treatment of Young Sex Offenders
- Lea Studer, Edmonton, Canada: HOW is Much More Important than WHAT in Sex Offender Treatment
- Richard Wollert, Portland, USA: Bayesian Computations in Sexual Offender Risk Assessment: Do they Protect from Confirmatory Bias and Illusions of Certainty
- Address why victims choose to tell or not tell anyone about a crime
- Reflect on victim engagement in the justice system
- Advance the knowledge of all service provision to people affected by crime
- Viviane Reding, vice president of the European Commission, who will address recent legislative changes and outline the future agenda to improve victims’ rights throughout Europe;
- Kathryn Turman, Program Director for Victim Assistance within the FBI, Kathryn Turman will give an overview of the FBI victim assistance programme and will also share her experiences of setting up victim support to families of Pan Am 103 victims following the Lockerbie bombing
- Kathleen O’Hara, will speak about her personal experience following the murder of her son and how criminal justice agencies can learn to engage with people experiencing trauma;
- Chickenshed will perform “Crime of the Century”, a theatre performance giving a clear image of the impact of knife crime among young people today;
- An exhilarating debate between a victim, a practitioner and a researcher discussing victim empowerment, what impacts on a victim’s choice to report a crime, and the support needs of victims of unreported crime;
- Much more – full programme available at http://www.vssconference2010.org.uk/programme.html
- Professor Julie Horney, The Pennsylvania State University, USA
- Professor Alex Piquero, Florida State University, USA, „What Can Alice in Wonderland Teach Us about Criminal Careers and Life-Course Criminology”
- Professor David Fergusson, University of Otago, NZ „The Prevention, Treatment and Management of Conduct Problems”
- Professor Ross Homel, AO, Griffith University, AUS, „Pathways to Prevention: the impact on child outcomes in the primary years”
- Professor Wayne Osgood, The Pennsylvania State University, USA, „Do Persistently Antisocial Youth Become Popular During Adolescence? A Test of Moffitt’s Hypothesis”
- Associate Professor Nicole Piquero, Florida State University, USA
- Dr Susan Dennison, Griffith University, AUS, „The Vulnerable Families project: Examining the immediate and long-term impact of paternal imprisonment on children”
- Dr Tara McGee, Queensland University of Technology, AUS, „Testing theoretical explanations of adult onset offending using data from the Cambridge Study in Delinquent Development (CSDD)”
- Professor Paul Mazerolle, Griffith University, AUS, „Pathways to Intimate Partner Homicide”
- to promote the study of criminology and criminal justice across Asia;
- to enhance co-operation in the fields of criminology and criminal justice by scholars and practitioners;
- to encourage communication between criminologists and criminal justice practitioners in Asia and the world through publications and conferences;
- to foster training and research in criminology and criminal justice in institutions of learning, and in criminal justice agencies.
- a. they align the planning, implementation and reviewing of crime prevention projects with the criteria for quality outlined in science and literature.
- b. projects are designed in such a way that they can be evaluated.
- c. scientific experts, advisors, contracting bodies and sponsors are at hand to have a technical foundation for judging the project’s targeting of objectives and quality.