Primul număr pe 2024 din revista „Criminologie și justiție penală” – Hans-J. Kerner

Societatea Română de Criminologie și Criminalistică are plăcerea de a vă oferi primul număr al revistei profesorului Hans – J. Kerner „Criminologie și justiție penală” din  2024 care include:

A) trei „colecții Kerner”:
Colecția 1 = publicații internaționale legate de ÎCCJ pe diverse teme.
Colecția 2 = publicații guvernamentale din Regatul Unit.
Colecția 3 = Studii științifice și, respectiv, rapoarte sau analize oficiale pe diverse subiecte COVID-19. Acesta este un dosar voluminos!

B) Alte câteva dosare pe teme diverse.
Observații suplimentare la Colecția A-3.


Mesajul domnului profesor:

Ladies and Gentlemen, dear Colleagues,

As planned and announced at the end of the year 2023, I am providing you today with my 1st CCJ-News Regular Issue in 2024.

It is containing:

A) three “Kerner-Collections”:

Collection 1 = International CCJ-related publications on various topics.

Collection 2 = United Kingdom Government Publications.

Collection 3 = Scholarly studies resp. Official Reports or Analyses on various COVID-19 topics. This is a voluminous file!

B) A couple of other files on diverse themes.

Additional remarks to Collection A-3:

* When considering the publication trends during the last half year or so, I have got the impression that all kind of documents, as pertaining to COVID-19, are continuously shrinking in numbers.

I consider this trend as normal, regarding the end of the international pandemic, and the diminution in the number of deadly or at least very heavy infections with long-term impact.

* Accordingly, I am about to end the series of separate COVID-19 document collections.

* Instead, I would like to include in the 2024 CCJ-related collections only the following COVID-19 publications:

++ selected high-standard research papers (reports) and/or

++ selected high quality public authorities´ documents on core topics.

* However: As always, the future remains unpredictable for all of us, and we will see till the end of the year what will happen so far!

For today, I remain with cordial greetings,

Hans-J. Kerner


1_CCJ-related Topics_Kerner-Collection 1-2024

2_Government UK Publications_MoJ et al_Kerner-Collection 1-2024

3_Covid-19-CCJ-related Topics_Kerner-Collection 1-2024

Conf-1_Decolonial Sociology of Law Seminar Series_02 till 04_2024 Conf-3_Research on ´Crime & Jusctice´_Brisbane-07-2024_CfP

Conf-4_GNH & Law_Criminal Justice +Happiness_07-2024 et seq.

Crime Science_Calling the Police_CfP

DCIP call for reviewers and abstracts

New Journal DCIP_Call for reviewers and abstracts_Tacver 12-2023

Open Call – European Journal of Policing Studies_Special Issue Cyber

Security Report Germany 2024_Rress Release