Ladies and Gentlemen, dear Colleagues.
Please find below, after my signature, my most recent selection of News I consider worthwhile to get widely distributed.
With best greetings to all Addressees
H.- J.Kerner
Hans-Juergen Kerner Listserv Mananger, Criminology_CriminalJustice_News
Seniorprofessor, Dr. iur., Institute of Criminology University of Tuebingen
Sand 7, 72076 Tuebingen, Germany Phone: +49-7071-297 20 44// Fax: +49-7071-29 51 04
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Criminology and Criminal Justice News December 2, 2016 · Video Event: Announcement of the Stockholm Criminology Prize Winner 2017 · Free of Charge Articles and Documents
Stockholm Criminology Prize
The 2017 winner of the Stockholm Prize in Criminology is Richard Ernest Tremblay.
The video of the announcement by Lawrence W. Sherman, Co-Chair of the Stockholm Prize Committee begins in Swedish, but switches to English at 2 minutes 17 seconds.
Then the announcement is followed by a live interview of Professor Tremblay conducted by Professor Jerzy Sarnecki, also Co-Chair of the Stockholm Prize Committee.
The contents are rich in both theoretical and policy-relevant content for delinquency prevention.
Direct access:
Research Unit on Children’s Psychosocial Maladjustment (GRIP)
The GRIP is a group of a multidisciplinary inter-university researchers who contribute to understanding of the development of adjustment problems in children and youths,
and to identifying the most effective means to prevent these problems.
Version Française: GRIP: Groupe de recherche sur l’inadaptation psychosociale chez l’enfant
Free of Charge Journal Articles – Reports and Official Documents
Policing and Society
United Kingdom – Home Office
Statement opposing female genital mutilation
This Guidance outlines what FGM is, the legislation and penalties involved and the help and support available. The statement is often referred to as a health passport.
The Center for Evidence-Based Crime Policy
at George Mason University, USA
PAPER: Reinventing American Policing by Cynthia Lum and Daniel Nagin
„Two principles should form the bedrock for effective policing in a democratic society. The first is that crimes averted, not arrests made, should be the primary metric for judging police effectiveness.
The second is that citizens’ views about the police and their tactics for preventing crime and disorder matter independently of police effectiveness.
Each principle is important in its own right and supported by research evidence. In turn, these two principles should guide twenty-first-century efforts to reinvent American policing…” Read more here.
(This paper appears in the Crime and Justice – A Review of Research series, edited by Michael Tonry for the University of Chicago).
REPORT: An Evidence-Assessment of the Recommendations of the President’s Task Force on 21st Century Policing
In this important report CEBCP team members in collaboration with the Institute for Community-Police Relations (ICPR) of the International Association of Chiefs of Police,
have conducted an evidence assessment of the research supporting the Task Force recommendations, as well as research opportunities that the recommendations present.
This report will support a new web-based tool developed by the ICPR to assist law enforcement agencies to learn about, prioritize, and implement the Task Force recommendations in an evidence-informed way.
The report can also be used by funding agencies to prioritize research needs. This project was supported by the Laura and John Arnold Foundation.
REPORT: Body-Worn Cameras and the Courts: A National Survey of State Prosecutors
Download this report here. This project was supported by the Laura and John Arnold Foundation.
USA OJJDP / NIJ Bulletin
Role of Technology in Youth Harassment Victimization
which is a follow-up study to the second National Survey of Children’s Exposure to Violence sponsored by OJJDP. The study examined technology-involved harassment within the context of other types of youth victimization and risk factors.
The data reveal that mixed-peer harassment—involving both in-person and technology-based elements—is the most traumatic for victims, especially those who have been victimized in multiple ways in the past and are facing numerous stressors in their present lives.
Correctional Executives’ Leadership Self-Efficacy and Their Perceptions of Emotional Intelligence
Donta S. Harper
Criminology & Public Policy
Social Media + Society: two recently published special collections:
Social Work and Social Policy
Crime Science
Prieto Curiel R, Bishop S – Crime Science 2016, 5 :12 (28 October 2016)
Government UK National Statistics
Women and the criminal justice system statistics 2015
Statistics from across the Criminal Justice System, to provide a combined perspective on the typical experiences of females and males in England and Wales, 2015.
Victims & Offenders
European Union Crime Prevention Network
The Internet Organised Crime Threat Assessment (IOCTA) 2016
The 2016 Internet Organised Crime Threat Assessment (IOCTA) is a law enforcement-centric threat assessment intended to inform priority setting for the EMPACT Operational Action Plans
in the three sub-priority areas of cybercrime (cyber attacks, child sexual exploitation online and payment fraud). The IOCTA also seeks to inform decision-makers at strategic, policy and tactical levels
on how to fight cybercrime more effectively and to better protect online society against cyber threats.
The 2016 IOCTA provides a view from the trenches, drawing primarily on the experiences of law enforcement within the EU Member States to highlight the threats visibly impacting on industry and private citizens within the EU.
The IOCTA is a forward-looking assessment presenting analyses of future risks and emerging threats, providing recommendations to align and strengthen the joint efforts of EU law enforcement and its partners in preventing and fighting cybercrime.
Read the full report here.
Mediation, mentoring and peer-support to reduce youth violence: A systematic review
While it is clear that youth violence poses a serious threat to the health and well-being of the young people in the UK, and the population as a whole, it is unclear what strategies are effective in reducing violent crime among young people.
Some initiatives have followed a ‘public health approach’ which attempt to address societal and attitudinal aspects and generally implies prevention of disease in the population.
This review aimed to provide a comprehensive account of the range of violence prevention programmes for young people (aged up to 25 years) who have either been involved in, or are identified as being at high-risk of violence,
and that included contact and interaction with a ‘peer mediator’, a ‘mentor’, or an influential ‘peer’ (peer support).
The review feeds in to the Crime Reduction Toolkit narrative on Mentoring and was conducted by the Cochrane Injuries Group in the Faculty of Epidemiology and Population Health at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine.
Access full document
Study on “Preventing Radicalization: A Systematic Review”
The objectives of this study are firstly to promote a preventive approach in intervention strategies and projects when it comes to radicalisation leading to violence, and then to gather information concerning conceptualization,
trends and research, as well as prevention tools (legislative and practical), especially those linked to the social prevention of this issue.
This study involves a review and analysis of both scientific and grey literatures, national and international norms and legislations, and promising programmes or practices on the subject on a global scale.
In order to accomplish this goal, we conducted two systematic reviews of the literature on radicalisation leading to violence, focusing on a diversity of keywords.
- The first review focused on literature linked to contextualisation of the phenomenon exclusively in western countries, mainly trends, radicalisation and recruitment contexts, factors determining this process, as well as explanatory models and radicalisation trajectories.
- The second review focused on prevention strategies, programmes and projects on radicalisation leading to violence. In this case, due to the limited number of studies on this specific subject, we considered studies without geographical limitations.
Read the full report here.
Preventing and Fighting Radicalisation at the Local Level
In order to combat radicalisation, repressive responses alone are not sufficient. Preventive measures must also be implemented to tackle its underlying causes and to strengthen the resilience of individuals to the risks of radicalisation.
Because they are by nature close to citizens, local and regional authorities are strategically positioned to put in place such preventive actions and to mobilise all the relevant local stakeholders.
This publication broaches the different areas of a local strategy for the prevention of radicalisation and provides practical insights and tools to enable local stakeholders to act, both at the political and technical levels.
This text is the result of work carried out between 2014 and 2016 in the framework of the European project “Local Institutions AgaInSt Extremism (LIAISE)” led by Efus in partnership with
the cities of Augsburg (Germany), Brussels (Belgium), Dusseldorf (Germany), Liege (Belgium), L’Hospitalet de Llobregat (Spain), Reggio Emilia (Italy), Malmö (Sweden) and Vilvoorde (Belgium),
as well as the Institute for Strategic Dialogue think tank (UK) and the association (Germany). Read the Report here.
Key migration issues: one year on from initial reporting
In view of the increasing numbers of refugees, asylum seekers and migrants entering the EU, the European Commission asked FRA to collect data about the fundamental rights situation of people arriving in those Member States
that have been particularly affected by large migration movements. This month’s focus section reviews persistent key issues since initial reporting began one year ago. To read the full report, click here.
How can contingency management support treatment for substance use disorders? A systematic review
Contingency management is a general behavioural intervention technique used in the treatment of drug dependence. This EMCDDA Paper contains a systematic review of studies on the effectiveness of contingency management when used alongside the pharmacological treatment of dependence.
The 38 studies concerned related to people using various drugs, and were complemented by three economic studies. The analysis contained in the Paper concludes that contingency management is a feasible and promising adjunct to treatment for drug users. Read the full Review here.
ESPAD Report 2015 — Results from the European School Survey Project on Alcohol and Other Drugs
This report presents the results of the sixth data-collection wave of the European School Survey Project on Alcohol and Other Drugs (ESPAD) and marks the 20th anniversary of ESPAD data collection (1995-2015).
It is based on information provided by 96 043 students from 35 European countries, 24 of them being Member States of the European Union. About 600 000 students have participated in the successive ESPAD data-collection waves,
making the project the most extensive, harmonised data collection on substance use in Europe. Read the full report here.
Was it worth it? Assessing Government Promises at the 2016 Anti-Corruption Summit
The Anti-Corruption Summit held in London on 12 May 2016 intended to ’put fighting corruption at the heart of our international institutions’. The Summit saw 43 Governments, including 12 Heads of Government, and seven international organisations
come together to issue a Global Declaration against Corruption, sign a detailed communique and make individual country-specific commitments to ending corruption.
Transparency International and our national Chapters and partners have closely analysed the country-level commitments – over 600 in total – for their ambition so as to better judge the success of the Summit itself.
We have collated all country commitments and published them within a central database that can be sorted by thematic issue, country or region. Read the full report here.
CrimNet Australia
Violent Criminal Careers: A retrospective longitudinal study
By Wai-Yin Wan and Don Weatherburn
The full article can be found online here
Contrary to popular belief, most violent offenders brought to court appear to stop offending after their first conviction. This surprising finding emerged from a longitudinal study of violent offenders released today by the NSW Bureau of Crime Statistics and Research (BOCSAR).
BOCSAR tracked the offending patterns of all 26,472 offenders born between 1986 and 1990 (inclusive) that had at least one violent offence proved against them before 31 December 2014. The mean follow-up time was 6.35 years but the longest follow-up period was 21 years. In the median case, after 20 years, an estimated 77 per cent had not been convicted of a further violent offence.
BOCSAR found, however, that the risk of violent re-offending varied greatly across different offender groups (see table 5). Higher rates of violent offending were found for younger offenders, offenders whose first proven offence occurred when they were young, Indigenous offenders and offenders convicted of any of the following offences: justice procedure offences (e.g. breach of bond), malicious damage to property or theft.
Interestingly, after controlling for other factors, offenders convicted of domestic violence offences were no more likely to be reconvicted of another violent offence than offenders convicted of non-domestic violence offences.
Commenting on the findings the director of BOCSAR, Dr Don Weatherburn, said they highlighted the dangers associated with stereotyping all violent offenders as dangerous recidivists.
„There is a small group of violent offenders who keep on committing violent offences but the majority desist after just one offence.”
„Those who do continue don’t tend to specialise in violent offending. They have long criminal histories and convictions for a wide variety of different offences.”
Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology. Volume 31 Number 4