Crime & Crime policy

Crime & Crime policy



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Ladies and Gentlemen,
we like to inform you about a new book in our series Crime & Crime Policy [3]edited by Helmut Kury (retired from Max-Planck Institute of international and foreign criminal law Freiburg/Ger.)


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Results from different countries (Crime and Crime Policy Vol. 10), Bochum 2015, ISBN 978-3-8196-1011-0,Softcover. 146. pp. 24 x 17 cm. € 29,90
JUST PUBLISHED. If you order here, we send you the book postfree [4]

Also available as PdF edition € 15,00 [5]
The discussion about crime and security in society and in particular about the role of punishment in reducing crime depends on different variables. Of prime importance in this context is, for instance, the
“penal mentality” in a society, which is influenced by such factors as media reporting, the level of education, a functional welfare system for people in need or the confidence of citizens in their government and justice system. International changes of living conditions can impact on the feelings of security and the level of fear of crime, for instance if these changes lead to high immigration- or refugee rates. This can cause a higher punitiveness especially if people are not informed and included
in decision processes.
This volume brings together articles from very different countries about their handling of the “crime problem”. Iran for example is a country about which we have little information, with a different criminal
justice system and a religious background that is different from most European states. The death penalty, for instance, is still in frequent use and the victim’s family has a central role in the prosecution and
imposition of punishment. Indian criminologists discuss the lower crime and recidivism rates in this country compared to the United States and Japan. Criminologists from Hungary, a former Soviet state, present data about people’s feelings and attitudes towards crime and punishment and how these have been transformed over time by political change. A chapter about alternatives to harsh punishment concentrates on mediation and Restorative Justice and evaluates their effectiveness compared to traditional criminal sanctions. Criminologists and criminal lawyers from different countries present data about the greater leniency of criminal courts in comparison to the public, the attitudes to the death penalty among students and the effects of youth custody on the crime rate.

Kury, Helmut
Ghasemi, Mojtaba & Roshan, Mohammad, Vengeance versus Forgiveness: Iranians Experience with Islamic Criminal Law of Homicide.
Vincentnathan, Lynn & Vincentnathan, S. George, Correctional Outcomes in India: A Comparative View.
Kulcsár, Gabriella & Hornyák, Szabolcs, Fear of Crime, Punitiveness and Penal Policy in Hungary then and now.
Kury, Helmut & Strémy, Tomáš, Restorative Justice and Alternative Punishments – New Results.
Gunnlaugsson, Helgi, Are the criminal courts more lenient than the public? A case study from Iceland.
Meier, Bernd-Dieter, What do Hanover’s students think of the death penalty?
Results of a comparative survey.
Giebel, Stefan Markus, Effects of youth custody on the crime rate of juvenile offenders after dismissal. Evaluation of the youth custody Weimar 2005


List of authors



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Kury, Helmut & Winterdyk, John (Eds): Fear of Crime and Punitiveness – Results from International Student Surveys [6], [6](Crime and Crime Policy Vol. 9) Bochum 2013, ISBN 978-3-8196-0910-7, Softcover. 216 pp. 24 x 17 cm. € 39,90

As a subject area of inquiry and research, fear of crime and punitiveness have played an increasingly important role in criminology.
Since the early 1990s, and emanating largely from within the United States, there has been a growing body of research as well as increased attention given to the subject by the media and policy-makers. In part,
triggered by the fact that the Unites States has the highest imprisonment rate (approx. 780/100,000 in 2012) in the Western world and still has the death penalty in most states, increasing attention has
been paid to the impact of peoples’ perceptions of crime, their fear of possible victimization, and their sense of punitivity towards offenders.
And although the body of literature on fear of crime and puntivity has been growing, there still remain many regions and countries of the world where there is a dearth of such research. This collection includes
several of the countries where such research represents the first of its kind. The reader will be provided a broad overview of the subject and presented with varied observations about fear of crime and punitivity
from different parts of the world. As the project represents a novel and exploratory venture into the subject area, the collective content provided in this collection will hopefully also serve to advance future
research and inform sentencing policy and initiatives to address fear of crime.
Ths volume includes seven comparable reports in which the contributors used a common standardize survey to collect data on fear of crime and punitivity among post-secondary students. The countries represent a cross-section of different legal, political, and cultural systems. The countries also vary in their degree of criminal justice development and in terms of the rights of victims. In each of the contribu-tions, the author(s) provide an overview of their country before discussing the re-sults of the survey they administered. The articles are prepared in a manner that allow varying degrees of comparison as well as
recommendations for the future di-rection of this relatively new area of international inquiry.

Kury, Helmut & Winterdyk, John
Results about Fear of Crime and Punitiveness – Introduction;
Winterdyk, John & Hincks, Crystal
Fear of Crime and Punitivity: A Canadian Overview ;
Antonopoulos, Georgios, A., Papanicolaou, Georgios, Tupling, Claire & Wattis, Louise
Perspectives on Punitivity, victimisation and fear of crime:A student case study in the United Kingdom ;
Rowe, Michael Perceptions of Fear of Crime and Punitivity in New Zealand;
Zhao, Ruohui, Cao, Liqun & Zhao, Jihong Fear of Crime and Punitivity among College Students in Macau, China;
Gholami, Hussein, Nikookar, HamidReza An Analysis on the Relationship between Fear of Crime and Inclination To Punitivity among University Students;
Chakraborty, Tapan: Fear of Crime and Victimization among university students in India.
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Here you can find an extract [7]
You can order also a PDF [8]edition for EUR 17,00 [8]



Kury, Helmut/Shea Evelyn (Eds.): Punitivity International Developments.
(three Vols) [9](Crime & Crime Policy Vol. 8/1-3) ISBN 978-3-8196-0780-6 Softcover together 1432 pp. 3 vol. 24 x 17 cm. Bochum 2011. All around price: EUR 144,70 Vol. 1 + 3 single each EUR 49,90, Vol. 2 EUR 59,90, if you order all three vols. the all around price will be EUR 144, 70 (ISBN Vol. 8,1-3: 978-3-8196-0780-6). We grant you also a reduction of EUR 15,00! We will send your orders postfree! (We deliver by invoice. You can pay by bank-transfer within 30 days with IBAN and BIC, PayPal or credit card
(Visa and Mastercard)
During the past two decades criminological discussion in Western industrial societies has been increasingly focused on the concept of punitiveness, a concept that is frequently linked to the staggering rise in inmate numbers in the United States from the first half of the 1970 onward, making it the country with the highest prison rate per 100,000 inhabitants in the Western world. Lee sees the development in the United States in connexion with the growing discussion of „fear of crime” during the late 1960s. „Since the late 1960s the fear of crime has progressively become a profoundly engaging field of study for
criminologists and other social researchers” (2001, p. 467; see also Hale 1996). The findings of inquiries and opinion polls, which confirmed the presence of such fears among the population, moved the topic to the forefront and it did not take long until it was „discovered” by politicians. This development went hand in hand with increased media reporting on crime related matters, usually concerning spectacular
cases, and thus creating in the population a distorted image of the actual extent and nature of crime (see Beckett and Sasson 2004). Some politicians were quick to use this erroneous perception for their own
purposes by creating so-called „politics of fear” (see, for instance, for Japan Miyazawa 2008
Vol 1: Punitiveness – A Global Phenomenon? (Crime & Crime Policy Vol. 8/1) published Bochum 2011, ISBN 978-3-8196-0777-6, Softcover. 446 pp. 24 x 17 cm.. EUR 49,90

For more information, content and order click here [10]
Pdf edition order here € 25,00 [11]
Here you can find an extract [12]

Vol. 2: Insecurity and Punitiveness (Crime & Crime Policy Vol.
8/2)published Bochum 2011, ISBN 978-3-8196-0778-3, Softcover. 608 pp. 24 x 17 cm.. EUR 59,90

For more information, content and order click here [13]
PdF edition order here € 29,00 [14]
Here you can find an extract
Vol 3: Punitiveness and Punishment(Crime & Crime Policy Vol.
8/3)published Bochum 2011, ISBN 978-3-8196-0779-0, Softcover. 384 pp. 24 x 17 cm. EUR 49,90

Here you can find an extract [15]

For more information, content and order click here [16]
PdF edition order here € 25,00 [17]


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