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Obiectivul nostru

prevenirea și controlul criminalității

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privind cercetarea şi identificarea infractorilor

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Întocmim studii

despre recidivă, reintegrarea socială, alternative la detenţie

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Inscription obligatoire pour chaque séance (nombre de places limité à 30)

Université Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne  / Centre d’histoire sociale (CHS, UMR CNRS 8058)

8ème année  du séminaire « Enfermements, Justice et Libertés dans les sociétés contemporaines »
animé par Pierre V. Tournier


Mardi 16 décembre 2014, 17h45 – 19h45  / 96ème séance

CHS XXe siècle, 9, rue Malher, bibliothèque du 6èmeétage, Paris 4ème (métro Saint-Paul)

L’internationalisation de la science pénitentiaire et l’architecture carcérale en France
entre le milieu XIXème et le milieu XXème

Par  Mme Elsa Besson
Architecte, doctorante en histoire de l’architecture, Université Rennes 2 
Pour plus d’informations, svp cliquez ici

Str.Lânăriei nr.93-95, sector 4 Bucureşti, cod poştal 040323

27-28 noiembrie 2014
Aula Magna a Facultăţii de Drept BUCUREŞTI



Comitetul de organizare: Conf.univ dr. Sorin Alămoreanu, preşedintele CECRO, Prof.univ Dr. Emilian Stancu, Expert Grigoraş Beţiu, director adjunct INEC, Proc. Camelia Sutiman, Proc. Emilia Gavadia, expert Lucian Petrică secretar general CECRO.



ORA 10,00-13,00. – Sesiune de dezbateri. Locaţie: Aula Magna

Moderatori: Prof.univ. dr.Emilian Stancu, Conf.univ Dr. Sorin Alămoreanu

  1. Deschiderea lucrărilor.
    • Prof.univ. dr.Emilian Stancu
    • Conf.univ. dr. Flavius Antonius Baias
    • Conf. univ dr. Bogdan Nicolae Bulai
  2. Evocare Aurel Boia.
  3. Sesiune de dezbateri – Probleme teoretice şi metodologice ale expertizei criminalistice în noul cod de procedură penală. Activitatea, rolul şi răspunderea experţilor criminalişti.

ORA 13-14. Pauza de prânz

ORA 14-16. Sesiune de training. Locaţie: Laboratorul de Criminalistică

Moderatori: Prof. univ. dr. Dragoş Burileanu, Exp. Grigoraş Beţiu, Proc. Cristian Lazăr.
Problematica evaluării autenticităţii şi examinării înregistrărilor digitale.


ORA 10,00-13,00 Sesiune de dezbateri Locaţie: Aula Magna

Moderatori: Prof.univ. dr.Emilian Stancu, Prof.univ.dr. Valentin Iftenie, Conf.univ dr. Sorin Alămoreanu, Dr. Constantin Mirea, Dr. Dumitru Sandu.

  1. Expertiza accidentelor de trafic auto. Probleme metodologice şi medico – legale.
    • Dr. Bogdan Boboş – Probleme şi metode în expertiza accidentelor de trafic.
    • Prof.univ.dr. Valentin Iftenie -Interpretarea datelor medico-legale în accidentele de trafic.
  2. Expertiza criminalistică a scrisului şi documentelor

Exp. Cristina Filip ( LIEC Iaşi)- Particularităţi ale examinării suportului material al actelor.
Exp. Radu Constantin- Grafologie si grafoscopie, o clarificare necesară.
Exp. Dr. Sorin Alămoreanu- Variaţii naturale şi artificiale în scrisul şi semnăturile persoanelor în vârstă 
Exp. Bogdan Florescu „Anacronismele toponimice si ortografice”

ORA 13,00-14,00 Discuţii finale. Eliberarea certificatelor de training. Închiderea lucrărilor.

Confirmarea participării, respectiv propunerea prezentării unei comunicări ştiinţifice se face până la data de 10 noiembrie 2014 pe adresa de e-mail la care va fi trimis şi rezumatul lucrării sau la tel. 0754 885 652 ( S. Alamoreanu), sau 0744 534 098 ( L. Petrică).

Ladies and Gentlemen,
It is our pleasure to invite you to the Fifth Annual Conference of the Victimology Society of Serbia on the topic of
Victims’ protection: International law, national legislations and practice,
which will be held in Hotel Park in Belgrade on 27th and 28th November 2014
For more information, please click here

Jeudi 20 novembre 2014 à 19h
Dorothy’s Gallery, American Center for the Arts, 27 Rue Keller, 75011 Paris


Dans le cadre de l’Exposition Art et Prison “Un demi-mètre carré de liberté »

Conférence de Pierre V. Tournier


Pour en savoir plus….



The 25th Annual Meeting of the
Will Be Held in SOFIA, BULGARIA on JULY 27-31, 2014

THEME: Crime Prevention & Community Resilience: Police Role with Victims, Youth, Ethnic Minorities and Other Partners
HOSTED BY: The Bulgarian Ministry of Interior and the National Police






Conferinţă cu participare internaţională



Bucureşti, 11 Aprilie 2014

Aula Academiei Române

(Calea Victoriei, nr.125)

Institutul de Cercetări Juridice “Acad. Andrei Rădulescu ˝al Academiei Române şi Societatea Română de Criminologie şi Crriminalistică, au plăcerea să vă invite la Conferinţa cu participare internaţională intitulată “CRIMINALITATEA ŞI MEDIUL” care va avea loc la Bucureşti, în ziua de 11 aprilie 2014, orele 9.30, în Aula Academiei Române, Calea Victoriei nr.125. 
Lucrările Conferinţei se vor desfăşura în plen până la ora 11.00, după care lucrările vor continua în două secţiuni.

Programul Conferinţei:

  • 9.30 – 10.00 – Primirea participanţilor şi invitaţiilor
  • 10.00 – 11.00 – Deschiderea Conferinţei
    • Cuvânt de deschidere, prof.univ.dr. Mircea Duţu, Directorul Institutului de Cercetări Juridice “Acad. Andrei Rădulescu ˝al Academiei Române.
    • Alocuţiune, prof.univ.dr.Rodica Mihaela Stănoiu, Preşedinte de onoare al SRCC.
    • Lansare carte, dr. Alin Leş, Preşedintele filialei Sibiu a SRCC
  • 11.00 – 11.45 – Pauză de cafea
  • 13.30 – Susţinerea lucrărilor pe secţiuni
    • Secţiunea I – Protecţia şi controlul mediului înconjurător(Aula Academiei Române)
    • Secţiunea a II-a – Medii criminogene cu potenţial violent (Sala de Consiliu a Academiei Române)

Informatii suplimentare (pdf)

Formular de participare (pdf)

International Police Executive Symposium

I have the honor to inform you that the International Police Executive Symposium, IPES,, is holding TWO Meetings in 2014. One is in Trivandrum (Kerala) in India on the theme, “Policing By Consent” on March 16-21, 2014.  The venue is Hotel Leela Palace in Kovalam Beach, one of the most gorgeous beaches in the world. The other meeting is in Sofia, Bulgaria on the theme, “Crime Prevention and Community Resilience” on July 27-31, 2014 in 5* luxury accommodations, Boyana Residence, a luxurious villa built in the days gone-by as an exclusive preserve of the highest ranking party elites. Its opulence is breathtaking, the privilege of those of the kind of Stalin, Khrushchev and the like.  
If you wish to make a presentation in the Trivandrum meeting, please contact Program Chair, Dr. Otwin Marenin of Washington State University, Pullman ( or the Deputy Program Chair, Dr. Arvind Verma of Indiana University, Bloomington ( For the Sofia meeting, please contact Program Co-Chairs, Dr. Diana Bruns in Southeast Missouri University in Cape Girardeau.and Dr. Melchor de Guzman of State University of New York, Brockport (for both: If you do not wish to present, you are welcome as a „Discussion Participant” – just take part in discussion and dialogue with global groups of police practitioners and researchers who will assemble for both conferences..   
For logistics please contact Mintie Das of IPES Public Relations,  All registered and paid-up participants are given free accommodations, meals, sightseeing and internal transportation during the conference and a year’s free subscription to the peer-reviewed journal of IPES (see below). If you wish to stay in the conference venues before and after the meeting, please contact Mintie Das.   
You are also invited to contribute to Police Practice and Research: An International Journal, PPR, which is affiliated with IPES, read over 45 countries in the world and is published from the United Kingdom (Routledge/Taylor and Francis). IPES offers you also opportunities for taking part in two book series: Please refer to: and 
Practitioners are heartily encouraged to take part in these book endeavors. A post-conference book is published by CRC Press/Taylor and Francis Group with the conference papers as well as also a Special Issue of PPR, if ”SIX PAPERS” get approved through the journal’s blind peer-review process.

The World Congress of Criminology

The World Congress of Criminology will take place in Monterrey, Nuevo Leon, Mexico from 10 (arrival) to 14 (departure) August 2014. The theme of the Congress is: “Gangs, Trafficking and Insecurity: Empowering the Community.” 
The Organizing Committee welcomes proposals for a variety of formats: traditional scholarly and research papers; thematic sessions; roundtables; discussions groups; “author meets his/her critics”; posters; literature, poetry, and other artistic expressions; and sessions by Non Governmental Organizations and community groups (Please, see a description of the various formats in the website). The objective is to offer a venue where a variety of forms of expression will be welcome and prized. Deadline for sending proposals: 1 April 2014. All presenters must register by 1 May 2014. Proposals can be sent in English, French, and Spanish. For more information on the Scientific Program: (in English, French, and Spanish); email:
For more information on registration, hotels and logistics:; email
You will notice that I have negotiated very attractive rates for young people participating in the Congress (less than 24 years old). Make sure to bring the Congress to the attention of your students and younger colleagues and invite them to present or you organize a panel presenting the best of your student’s research (you could have a competition for the participants to be selected etc.). 
The Scientific Commission is responsible for the academic part of the Congress. Thus, I invite you to take active part in the creating the program. You can do that by organizing whole thematic sessions or discussions on a specific theme or a workshop or a roundtable or at least present a paper. We also welcome new forms of presentations including literary, theatre, or audiovisual pieces; and meetings of community groups or organizations or of NGOs working in areas related to the vast field of criminology. Please see the list of over 100 topics listed in the website and brochure (attached) of the Congress. We are also looking for roundtables assembling academics, researchers, activists, policy makers and professionals together to discuss a specific topic. I can imagine a roundtable on a law enforcement or a correctional theme with academics, researchers, police or correctional officers, former prisoners or victims of police profiling or brutality, community or NGOs, and a Minister of Justice discussing racial profiling, community-police relations, crime prevention policies and approaches, solitary confinement, excessive sentences etc. There are going to be 3 keynote sessions. Your nominations for keynote speakers are very welcome, especially as we would like to extend this opportunity to respected and renowned colleagues particularly from “new” areas of he world. Please send your nominations in as soon as possible including why you think that your nominee will substantially contribute to the Congress and also attract participation.

The United Nations Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice Congress, 2015

The Thirteenth United Nations Congress on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice will be held in Doha, Qatar, from 12 to 19 April 2015. The overall theme of the Congress is: „Integrating crime prevention and criminal justice into the wider United Nations agenda to address social and economic challenges and to promote the rule of law at the national and international levels, and public participation”
. The provisional agenda of the Thirteenth Congress will contain the following substantive agenda items:

  • Successes and challenges in implementing comprehensive crime prevention and criminal justice policies and strategies to promote the rule of law at the national and international levels, and to support sustainable development;
  • International cooperation, including at the regional level, to combat transnational organized crime;
  • Comprehensive and balanced approaches to prevent and adequately respond to new and emerging forms of transnational crime;
  • National approaches to public participation in strengthening crime prevention and criminal justice.

In 2014, four regional preparatory meetings will be held in Latin America and the Caribbean, West Asia, Asia and the Pacific, and Africa. Participants in the regional preparatory meetings are expected to examine the issues to be discussed at the Thirteenth Congress and to make action-oriented recommendations for consideration by the Congress. The calendar of the Regional Meetings is as follows:

  • Asia and Pacific Regional Preparatory Meeting (Bangkok, Thailand, 22-24 January 2014)
  • Western Asia Regional Preparatory Meeting (Doha, Qatar, 3-5 February 2014)
  • Latin American and Caribbean Regional Preparatory Meeting (19-21 February 2014, possibly in Chile)
  • African Regional Preparatory Meeting (Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 9-11 April 2014).

There are documents prepared for the Regional Meetings. 
I hope that you agree that the International Society of Criminology should play an active role in shaping the agenda, contribute to the work and make sure that the contributions of research and “best practices” are presented and recognized in the debates and formulation of policies at the Congress. We want to make a difference! 
I would like to:

  • a. constitute a U.N. Liaison Committee. Please consider volunteering especially if you have experience with the U.N.
  • b. have the Scientific Commission represented at each of the Regional Preparatory Meetings so that we know what is being proposed; can participate in the discussion; possibly exercise some influence on the recommendations; and then contribute vital information to the preparation of a platform of the ISC to be presented and advanced at the Congress in Doha.

Please note the ISC is not in a position to support travel and living expenses to attend these meetings. Members from the each region may find it possible to find funds to travel to the nearest meeting venue.

Renewal of your Membership for 2014
Please, renew your membership as soon as possible to support the ISC and, in some countries, to earn another deduction from your 2013 taxes (if you pay by the end of December). The membership will pay for itself when you register for the Congress 2014. You will be entitled to a 20% discount on the registration fee, which is basically your ISC membership fee. Plus you will be entitled to vote in the forthcoming elections of the ISC Board. 
To renew, please, go to:


Societatea Română de Criminologie şi Criminalistică si Institutul de Cercetări Juridice ”Acad. Andrei Rădulescu” din cadrul Academiei Române  anunţă organizarea unei Conferinţe cu participare internaţională cu tema « Criminalitatea şi mediul », în data de 11 aprilie 2014 la Academia Română (Calea Victoriei, nr.125) .

Manifestarea ştiinţifică se va desfăşura pe secţiuni. Lucrările subsumate temei vor reflecta atât dimensiunea spaţială a criminalităţii abordată fie la nivel global –harta geografică a criminalităţii în Romania, fie la nivel sectorial – spaţiul proxim (mediul înconjurător, familie, locuinţa, cartier, şcoala, loc de muncă) şi spaţiul închis ( centre de reţinere, centre de reeducare, penitenciare), dar şi problematica aferentă victimei.

Lucrările conferinţei sunt deschise atât specialiştilor din sistemul justiţiei penale (categorii de jurişti, sociologi, psihologi, asistenţi sociali, etc.), cât şi altor specialişti, precum şi studenţilor, masteranzilor şi doctoranzilor.

Articolele vor fi publicate într-un volum la o editură recunoscută CNCS şi în revista de specialitate a Societăţii Române de Criminologie şi Criminalistică .

Taxa de participare este de 200 lei, cu excepţia membrilor Societăţii Române de Criminologie şi Criminalistică pentru care taxa este de 150 lei şi a studentilor care vor achita suma de 50 lei, în contul Societăţii Române de Criminologie şi Criminalistică.

Titlurile articolelor, rezumatul în limba engleză şi cuvintele- cheie vor fi transmise la adresa Colectiv Redactie: până la data de 15 decembrie 2013.



Buon Natale e Felice Anno Nuovo/Merry Christmas and Happy New Year Tanti Auguri di Buon Natale e Felice Anno Nuovo da Transcrime e Crime&tech – A Very Merry Christmas and […]

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Lucrarea „Criminologie, Criminalistica, Penologie –  Repere bibliografice”, volumul 1,  coordonatori Rodica Mihaela Stănoiu, Emilian Stănișor, Vasile Teodorescu.   Lucrarea „Criminologie, Criminalistica, Penologie –  Repere bibliografice”, volumul 2,  coordonatori Rodica Mihaela […]

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Colegiul de redacție al revistei SRCC – Revista de criminologie,  criminalistică şi penologie COORDONATOR Prof. univ. dr. Rodica Mihaela Stănoiu – președinte al Societății Române de Criminologie și Criminalistică, vicepreședinte […]

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Societatea Română de Criminologie și Criminalistică are un nou sediu: Str. Pitar Moș nr. 27, et.1, ap.5, Sect.1, București- în sediul EUROBESTTEAM Tel: 0745969569 Adresa de corespondență:  redacț Formular de […]

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Despre noi

Societatea Română de Criminologie şi Criminalistică este persoană juridică de drept privat, fără scop patrimonial, având toate drepturile şi obligaţiile prevăzute de legislaţia în vigoare. Societatea Română de Criminologie şi […]

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