CCJ-News 1st Regular Issue – January 2023

Ladies and Gentlemen, dear Colleagues!

With this first regular issue for the new year 2023 (along the Gregorian calendar) I am sending you

  • 2 Parts of an invitation to join an international conference on Organized Crime.
  • 1 Document on Femicide (international) with links to selected publications, and links to search machines with possible further hits.
  • 12 PDFs on various CCJ-related topics.

Best regards,

Hans-J. Kerner


Download links:

__International Conference Organized Crimes_Porto-May2023_CfP

__International Conference Organized Crimes_Porto-May2023_Programme

_Femicide-Search Machines_UN Women + OJP USA_Dec. 14, 2022

Bögelein et al_Terrorism in Court_Proceeding_2022

Borg et al_Perceived Seriousness of Crimes_Iinter‑individual etc. Differences_2022

Boyanowsky_Crime&Criminality 2020_Information 2023

Cioccini et al_Theorizing State-Corporate Crime in Global South_2022

COVID-19 Impact_State and Federal Prisons 2020-2021_USA-BJS 2022

Developmental-Life Course Criminology Journ.-Open Acces Articles_12-2022

Prison Policy Initiative USA_Important reports, briefings, and tools in 2022_Via CCJ-News

Pummerer et al_Relation -Conspiracy Belief -Adherence to Prosocial Norms_2022

Sergi et al_Deviant Masons-Mafia-Corruption in Italy_2022

Tiratelli et al_Stop and Search as Crime Deterrence_London Study_2018

Treatment Courts USA-25 Years_BJA 12-2022