Criminology and Criminal Justice News_Conferences_Documents_Statistics

Ladies and Gentlemen,
dear Colleagues!

This is my first cirucular mail in the new year 2016.
I wish you all the best for the upcoming weeks and months!!

Please find below, after my signature, a selection of recent pieces of information that have reached me since January.

With best regards
HJ Kerner


Hans-Juergen Kerner


Listserv Manager, Criminology and CriminalJustice News

Senior Professor, Dr. iur., Institute of Criminology

University of Tuebingen

Sand 7, 72076 Tuebingen, Germany

Phone: +49-7071-297 20 44// Fax: +49-7071-29 51 04


Email Secretariat:

Phone: +49-7071-297 29 31




CCJ-News February 2016


(1)   Only a few weeks to go:

Offender Supervision in Europe- Bridging Research, Policy and Practice

Final Conference of the COST Action IS 1106 in Brussels, 11-12 March, 2012

More details are to be found in the attached  flyer


(2)   Stockholm Criminology SymposiumJune 14-16, 2016

The Swedish National Council for Crime Prevention (Brå) invites researchers, decision makers and practitioners to the Stockholm Criminology Symposium 2016. The last day to register is May 9, 2016.

Parents, peers and prevention will be the main theme of the symposium this year.
The other theme is contemporary criminology. Last day for call for papers is February 26, 2016.

Please find more information on how to submit your paper and to register for the conference on the symposium website:


See you at the symposium! Best regards, The Symposium Office



(3)   Extended Deadline:

International Conference on Cyber-Crime and Computer Forensics

at  Simon Fraser University Harbour Centre, Vancouver, B.C., 12-14 June 2016

The International Conference on CyberCrime and Computer Forensics (ICCCF) is being held at Simon Fraser University’s Harbour Centre campus in downtown Vancouver, B.C., from 12-14 June 2016.  Simon Fraser University is co-hosting the ICCCF 2016 in cooperation with the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE) and the Asia Pacific Association of Technology and Society (APATAS). To date, we have received abstracts and/or papers from fifteen different countries, representing five different continents.

Keynote speakers for ICCCF 2016 include Benoit Dupont, Scientific Director of Smart Security Network, from the University of Montreal; Thomas Holt, an internationally recognized computer hacking and malware researcher from the University of Michigan; Michael Levi, Professor of Criminology in the School of Social Sciences at Cardiff University in the United Kingdom; and Gary Perkins, the Executive Director and Chief Information Security Officer for the Information Security Branch of the B.C. Government.

A block of 60 rooms has been set aside at the Delta Vancouver Suites Hotel, which is immediately adjacent to the SFU Harbour Centre conference facilities. Room rates are $199 a night, considered very attractive for a centrally located, four star hotel in downtown Vancouver. These rooms will be released to conference delegates on a first come, first served basis.

Please note that the final call for abstracts closes on February 14, 2016. Authors wishing to have their papers considered for publication in IEEE XPlore Digital Library will eventually be required to submit a full paper (within a month of notification of acceptance).  To submit an abstract, please visit the official conference website at:

Dr. Barry Cartwright, Senior Lecturer, School of Criminology



(4)   International Association for the Treatment of Sexual Offenders

14th IATSO Conference from September 7-10, 2016

in Copenhagen, Denmark

List of Keynote speakers is available

Abstract submission and Registration are now open




(5)           16th Annual Conference of the European Society of Criminology, September 21-24, 2106

The organization committee, led by Prof. Klaus Boers, University of Muenster, invites researchers, policy makers and practitioners to the ESC 2016 Conference at Muenster, State of Northrhine-Westfalia, Germany.

Crime and Crime Control – Structures, Developments and Actors

will be the main theme.
Please find more information on the conference website:


(6)   News from the Urban Institute, Washington, D.C. /U.S.A.

Transforming Prisons, Restoring Lives

Final Recommendations of the Charles Colson Task Force on Federal Corrections

The Charles Colson Task Force on Federal Corrections is a nine-person, bipartisan, blue-ribbon panel created by Congress to examine challenges in the federal corrections system and develop practical, data-driven solutions. Informed by over a year of fact-finding, rigorous data analysis, and testimony from and discussions with key experts and stakeholders, the independent Task Force’s recommendations to the US Congress, the President, and the Attorney General provide a blueprint for reforms to the federal corrections system that are sensible, cost-effective strategies to reduce the federal prison population, and enhance public safety.


(7) News from the U.K. Government

  1. a)   Proven reoffending statistics, England and Wales: April 2013 to March 2014


  1. b)   Youth justice annual statistics, England and Wales: 2014 to 2015


  1. c)    Mother and Baby Units: applications and admissions: 2013 to 2015


  1. d)   Prime Minister announces reform to the prison system including six new ‘reform prisons’ to be created this year and changes to the prison education system.




(8) Call for papers: Systematic Reviews of Risk Factors for Offending and Violence

Further details see: Attached Word-Document