Ladies and Gentlemen, dear Colleagues,
with this ad-hoc Special issue of Criminology and Criminal Justice News,
I am providing you with
* 1 Announcement for Post-Doc Stipends at the Max-Planck Institute in Freiburg/Germany
* 2 Calls for participation in Face-to-Face Conferences/Seminars
* 2 US Solicitations for Research or Evaluation Projects
* 6 Announcements for Video-Conferences on various topics
The next Regular Issue will probably be ready for distribution tomorrow
Best regards,
Hans-J. Kerner
Announemt_Postdoc-Positions_Max-Planck Institute S-22-01_en
F+F-Conf-01_Center for Evidence-Based Crime Policy_Symposium 27 June
F+F-Conf-02_White Hat Conference CI Competition June 2022
Solicitation-01_2 Research +Evaluation Projects_NIJ-USA_May-2022
Solicitation-02_Research and Evaluation on Desistance from Crime_NIJ-USA_May 2022
Web-01_European Crime Preventin Conference_April 2022
Web-02_Narrative Criminology Research Network Genoa Symp._16++June 2022
Web-03_Criminology and the Planet-Land-Sea-Air_Dutch Soc Crim 16+ June
Web-04_UCL Future Fraud Conference_July 2022
Web-05_22nd Conference of the ESC _Malaga, Spain, 21 to 24 September 2022_CfP